Kids profiles were added to the platform in order to showcase only age-appropriate content. Today, the company is building upon kids profiles with new features, including parent-managed watchlists, recommendations on the homescreen, and supervised usage of the normalYouTube app. Over the next few weeks, all of these software capabilities will be available to customers of the internet television service.

Parents can add movies and TV shows to a universal watchlist that will appear on the child's homescreen in a managed watchlist. It will be easy for them to progress from video to video. You can add content to a kids profile by selecting a movie or TV show and pressing the watchlist button.

An image of Google TV’s new parent-managed watchlist.
Parents can add age-appropriate content that’s easy for kids to access.
Image: Google

Specific content recommendations for kids are being brought to the homescreen by the search engine. The homescreen currently displays various kid-friendly streaming apps, but without the actual recs that appear on adult accounts. These recommendations are based on the apps you have added and the rating settings you have set. It is easy to hide things you don't want to see on the homescreen again.

In order to get young viewers to use the regular YouTube app with adult supervision, the company is trying to create a natural route. If you have older kids in your home that are ready to move on from YouTube Kids, you can start exploring more of what YouTube has to offer with the help of a supervised experience on YouTube. The experience comes with content settings for pre-teens and older, adjusts the features your child can use, and lets you block channels.

It seems like the biggest gamble of the new steps is opening up the full vault to younger users, but there is no requirement for parents to do that until they are ready. The Family Link app is getting a redesign today. There is now a Highlights tab that shows a snapshot of your child's app usage, screen time and recently installed apps.