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There is a video of the "blown-up" Nord Stream 1 line.

A blast last month is believed to have destroyed at least 50 metres of the underwater gas line.

The video was shot by a Norwegian company and was published by Expressen in Sweden.

Four holes in the pipe are believed to have been blown by powerful explosions.

There are suspicions of sabotage, but it is not known who or what caused the blasts.

Since the explosions on the concrete-reinforced steel pipes crossing the Baltic Sea, gas deliveries have been stopped.

Western investigators want to blame Russia for the damage, according to the Kremlin.

The Russian interest was not shown by the logic shown.

The EU has accused Russia of using its gas supplies as a weapon against the West over its support for Ukraine.

Blueye Robotics and Expressen worked together to film the twisted and bent metal of theNord Stream pipe 80m beneath the sea.

The company said parts of the line are missing.

It is only an extreme force that can bend metal that thick.

Swedish authorities have been investigating the leaks in the pipes.

According to the police, there has been extensive damage to theNord Stream 1 and 2.

Swedish prosecutors rejected a joint investigation because they were afraid of sharing sensitive information related to national security, according to reports.

Russia wanted to be involved in any investigations, but they weren't.

Since August, when Russia shut down the Nord Stream 1 line, there has not been a single shipment of gas.

It goes from the Russian coast to the north-eastern Germans.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February,Nord Stream 2 was still waiting for approval.

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The Danes say there is a gas leak from the pipes.

  • Russia-Ukraine war
  • Germany
  • Russia
  • Natural gas