An example of eight papercraft vintage computer models designed and assembled by Rocky Bergen.
Enlarge / An example of eight papercraft vintage computer models designed and assembled by Rocky Bergen.

A collection of miniature papercraft vintage computer models was released by a Canadian artist yesterday. They are available in a pack of 24 PDF files that you can fold into three dimensions.

The Apple II, IBM PC 5150, Commodore 64, Apple Macintosh, and even the rare Apple Lisa 1 can be found in Bergen's Barbie-sized papercraft models. Papercraft models of the Nintendo GameCube and the Sega Master System are available.

Bergen started making papercraft models in the summer of 2016 with an Amstrad CPC 464. Bergen said that he was a fan of old computers and their industrial designs. It's not always practical for people to have a huge amount of hardware with them all the time.

A vintage Mac 128K papercraft model designed by Rocky Bergen, complete with accessories.
Enlarge / A vintage Mac 128K papercraft model designed by Rocky Bergen, complete with accessories.

Bergen takes photos of the equipment on the internet and slices and dices them to create models. He says that he keeps the serial numbers intact so that he can check to see if he used your computer.

Bergen's papercraft models include extra variations with different software or games on the monitors that can be swapped by folding screen images into slots on the units. Disk drives, mice, software boxes, and even modems are included in many models.


The response from the Internet has been positive. I've created a lot of models so that you can build a computer museum.

The models are usually only 3 to 4 inches tall, but the scale can vary depending on the paper used. The models were designed for 1117 paper. They look like the size of a mini console. They can be automatically scaled down to a letter-size paper.

Four papercraft models designed by Rocky Bergen, including the Nintendo AVS prototype.
Enlarge / Four papercraft models designed by Rocky Bergen, including the Nintendo AVS prototype.

Bergen likes to assemble the models. The cutting and folding process is his favorite part of the process. It turns out to be quite relaxing, despite the fact that I thought it would be stressed out.

You will need a color printer, paper, and scissors to build your papercraft museum. Cut along the lines, fold the tabs, and insert them into the slots after you download the PDF from the Internet Archive. It's easier to work with thicker paper. He says a paper-folding tool can help to create nice edges. Any butter knife that doesn't have serrations will work well.

The prices of vintage computers and game consoles have gone up a lot over the last few years. It's more difficult and expensive to collect the machines now. Bergen's papercraft sculptures are always thinking about those factors.

He likes the idea of taking rarity or cost out of the equation. For the price of paper and ink, you can have fun with machines that cost a lot of money. You might learn something about it, too, because my Apple Lisa 1 will only cost you your time. I'm sure I did.