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When you don't have the staff to do everything, what do you do? More and more team leaders are asking this question with the economy and Great Resignation. They must do more with less.

There are ways to get the most important items done. Don't be afraid to say that an overload department won't get everything done. Prioritize what you won't do and what you'll do. Communication your plan with your boss is the third thing. Projects can be delegated to other teams or contractors. Expectations with stakeholders need to be reset. Request more people. If you make the case early, you could be at the top of the list when the budget allows.

You have a job and have been working away at it, doing what needs to be done to move the projects in your department. The department has been rewarded with more work, but no additional staff. You are thankful for the demand for your team's services, but you are overwhelmed. When everyone was at capacity, how can you manage more?