Culture is something.
Culture is a collection of characteristics and knowledge of a group of people.
Culture is the knowledge and characteristics of a group of people.
Culture is defined by the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition as shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and understanding that are learned by socializing. The growth of a group identity can be seen as a result of social patterns unique to the group.
"Culture includes religion, food, how we wear it, our language, marriage, music, what we believe is right or wrong, how we greet visitors, and a million other things."
The customs, traditions, music, art and food of many countries, such as France, Italy, Germany, the US, India, Russia and China, are draws for tourists.
Arthur Asa Berger says that the word culture derives from a French term which means to tend to the earth and grow. A number of other words related to actively fostering growth are related to its etymology.
According to Khan University, the term "Western culture" has come to define the culture of European countries and those that have been influenced by European immigration. The rise of Christianity in the 14th century was the start of Western culture. Germanic and Hellenic ethnic and linguistic groups are among the drivers of Western culture.
The past 2,500 years have seen a lot of historical events. The fall of Rome paved the way for the creation of a number of often-warring states in Europe. The population of Europe was cut in half due to the Black Death. Christianity became stronger in Europe as a result of the plague. The survivors of the working class gained more power as the elites paid more for scarce labor. The invasion of Europeans into North and South America was caused by the disruption of trade routes between East and West.
The influence of Western culture can be seen in almost every country.
China, Japan, Vietnam, North Korea and South Korea are examples of Eastern culture. According to a research article published in the journal Rice, Eastern culture was heavily influenced by religion but also heavily influenced by the growth and harvesting of rice. There is less of a difference between secular society and religious philosophy in Eastern culture than there is in the west.
However, this umbrella covers an enormous range of traditions and histories. For example, Buddhism originated in India, but it was largely overtaken by Hinduism after the 12th century, according to Britannica (opens in new tab).
As a result, Hinduism became a major driver of culture in India, while Buddhism continued to exert influence in China and Japan. The preexisting cultural ideas in these areas also influenced religion. For example, according to Jiahe Liu and Dongfang Shao (opens in new tab), Chinese Buddhism borrowed from the philosophy of Taoism, which emphasizes compassion, frugality and humility.
The cultures of this region have been influenced by centuries of interactions. In the 19th century, Japan controlled or occupied Korea. According to, many Koreans were forced to give up their names for Japanese ones.
There is a widespread geographic region that includes Latin culture. Latin America is usually defined as the areas of Central America, South America and Mexico where Spanish and Portuguese are the main languages. The places that were colonized by Spain or Portugal in the 1400s are listed here. Some historians, such as Michael Gobat, author of "The Invention of Latin America: A Transnational History of Anti-Imperialism, Democracy and Race", believe that the French used the term "Latin America" to distinguish between Anglo and Romance languages.
Latin cultures are incredibly diverse and many blend Indigenous traditions with Spanish and Portuguese culture. The African American Registery states that many of the cultures were influenced by African cultures. In Brazil and the Caribbean, these influences are strong.
Latin culture is still evolving and spreading. Da de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a holiday that is celebrated in November. The current celebration date of Day of the Dead was created by Spanish colonizers who merged it with All Saints Day.
Mexican immigrants to the United States brought the holiday with them, and in the 1970s, artists and activities brought focus to Da de los Muertos as a way of celebrating their Mexican-American heritage. In the US, the holiday is well-known.
The Arabian peninsula is part of the Middle East. The countries of Libya, Egypt and Sudan are sometimes included in the encyclopedia. A huge variety of cultural practices, religious beliefs and daily habits are encompassed by the term "Middle Eastern culture". The region is home to many languages, from Arabic to Hebrew to Turkish to Pashto.
Islam is the dominant religion in the Middle East and has a large role to play in the region's culture. Saudi Arabia is where Islam started in the seventh century. The Metropoliton Museum says that the death of the religion's founder, Muhammad, in 632 was an important moment for the culture and development of the Middle East.
Some followers thought the next leader should be one of Muhammad's friends, while others thought leadership should be passed through Muhammad's family. Shia Muslims, who believed in the importance of the bloodline, and Sunni Muslims, who believed leadership should not be passed through the family, split. The Council on Foreign Relations says 85% of Muslims are Sunni. The rituals and traditions of the two groups are quite different.
The Ottoman Empire ruled a U-shaped ring around the eastern Mediterranean from the 14th to the 20th century. The areas that were part of the Ottoman Empire have their own style of architecture.
According to the Natural History Museum in London, Africa has the longest history of humans in the world. The oldest evidence for hominin species in the Arabian peninsula can be found in this research.
African culture is different between national boundaries. A key feature of this culture is the large number of ethnic groups. According to Culture Trip, Nigeria has more than 300 tribes. According to The Field Museum, Africa has imported and exported its culture for hundreds of years. Complex urban centers along the eastern coast are often connected by the movement of raw materials and goods.
It's not possible to describe all of African culture in one sentence. Sub-Saharan Africa shares historical, physical and social characteristics that are very different from North Africa, which is why it has strong ties to the Middle East.
The Batwa of Central Africa is one of the traditional Sub- Saharan African cultures. The traditions of these cultures changed over time. The Batwa are a group of people who live in the rainforest. There are sheep and goats on the open range.
"Cultural appropriation is the taking over of creative or artistic forms, themes, or practices by one cultural group from another."
A person wearing a Native American headdress is not a Native American. Victoria's Secret was criticized in 2012 after putting a model in a headdress reminiscent of a war bonnet. According to the Khan Academy, the privilege of wearing a headdress was earned through bravery. The model wore turquoise jewelry inspired by designs used by Zuni, Navajo and Hopi tribes in the desert Southwest, illustrating how cultural appropriation can lump together tribes with very different cultures and histories into one stereotype.
Gucci faced a backlash for selling an item named "the indy full turban" which caused a lot of anger from the Sikh community. The Sikh Turban is not a hot new accessory for white models but an article of faith for practicing Sikhs according to Harjinder Singh Kukreja. Turbans have been used as a hat by your models. Selling fake Gucci products is worse than using fake Sikhs and turbans.
Cultures change no matter what culture you are in. "Culture appears to have become key in our interdependent world, which is made up of so many ethnically diverse societies, but also rife with conflicts associated with religion, ethnicity, ethical beliefs, and, essentially, the elements which make up culture," De Rossi said. Culture isn't fixed if it ever was. It is fluid and always moving.
It's hard to define a culture in only one way. Most people see value in respecting the past. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was created to identify and protect cultural and natural heritage. The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage states that monuments, buildings and sites are protected. The treaty was adopted by UNESCO.
The additional reporting was done by live science contributors.