Nintendo has known for a long time that the Nintendo Switch is a great machine for role playing games. When you have just 15 minutes to spare on the bus, tackle a mission or battle in handheld mode, it's easy to settle in for hours-long sessions on your TV.

More than five and a half years have passed since the switch launched. Two modern classics join that collection this month, and they are just as good as you might have thought.

Everything from the beginning of the story to the end is still intact.

The PS4 version of Royal feels almost the same as the Switch version. There is nothing that is missing from the hit. The combat is just as enjoyable as it was on PS4. You will be snapping your fingers for a long time after you have shut down the game because it has a lot of style. Many of the characters will start to feel like friends as time goes on.

The portable nature of the Switch made it feel like my experience was better. I played the first dungeon in portable mode while watching a movie. While waiting for a flight on a recent trip, I was able to play a few games. With the reliable sleep / wake feature, it is easy to pause at any moment, especially with the turn-based battles and frequent text conversations. It's easy to work through the game in bite-sized chunks.

In the same way that visual novels work well on the Switch, the game feels more personal when it's portable. The game is unfolding for you because you can play on your own small screen. It is possible to feel that way while watching tv in the living room. Even though there is a lot of text in the game, it sometimes feels like you are playing a comic book or a TV show.

There are a few changes on switch. There are a few visual effects that make the game look blurry in portable mode, and the graphics aren't as good as they could be. There have been times when it has been a second or two more than I remember, but they have never felt long. You have to move your thumb to use the D-pad instead of using the left control stick in PS4 games. If you have been waiting for the game to be released on Switch, you should.

A screenshot from Persona 5 Royal. Five characters stand in a school.
Here’s a Persona 5 Royal screenshot I took in portable mode on my Switch. It definitely doesn’t look as good as the PlayStation version, but I didn’t mind.
Image: Jay Peters / The Verge

I can't vouch for any deal-breakers down the line because I only got through the first part of the story. I don't have time to play all the time. I spent more than 100 hours on PS4. There are no issues so far that suggest there will be issues later.

Nier: Automata The End of Yorha Edition was released earlier this month. On a portable platform, the game plays like it did on the Xbox. The game has a good story, haunting music, and weirdness. Being able to play Nier: Automata in handheld mode makes the story feel more like a great book than it is, and it's even better for it.

The transition to portable has helped other big RPGs find new audiences; for example, the popular rereleases of Persona 3 and 4 on the PS3 and PS4 respectively. The games will be on the platform in January. It will take enough time to get through the book.

On October 21st, you will be able to play the game on Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PC. It is available on the PS3. The End of Yorha edition of Nier is now available on the Nintendo Switch.