The moral obligation of effective altruists is to fund the most transformational projects as defined by their framework. MacAskill said in an interview that he would need to see an argument that opposing inequality in some way is actually the best thing to do in order to recommendPrioritized Structural Power Shifts.

man in a suit gives money to a robot while homeless men beg for help in the background

The man is Victor Kerlow.

When a small group of people with the same background come up with a formula for the most critical causes and best solutions, the rigor that is known for should be questioned. According to a 2020 survey by the Centre for Effective Altruism, the majority of the population in the US and the UK are white.

The philanthropic community has been criticized for being homogeneity. Some studies show that charitable giving in the US is growing in diversity and that casts a different light on the breakdown. Asian-Americans and Black households gave away more of their income than whites. According to research done by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, 70% of black households and 70% of Hispanic households donate regularly. Crowdfunding, mutual aid, and giving circles, which may not be accounted for in other reports, were more likely to be given by donors of color. The sales pitch does not seem to be reaching these people.

Proponents of the game say its approach is data driven, but their calculations defy best practices in the tech industry. The issues that we talk about in machine learning and why you shouldn't do that are related to the assumption that we're going to calculate the best thing to do in the world.

Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin is the second-largest recent donor to Berkeley’s Machine Intelligence Research Institute, whose mission is “to ensure [that] smarter-­than-human artificial intelligence has a positive impact.”

The images are from Wikimedia Commons.

Gebru and others have written extensively about the dangers of using data without doing deeper analysis. Machine learning can lead to dangerously biased models. A narrow definition of success rewards alliance with the value system and penalizes nonprofits that can't be translated into the math.

A 2004 study that elevated deworming to one of GiveWell's top causes has come under fire, with some researchers claiming to have discredited it. GiveWell directed more than $12 million to deworming charities through its maximum impact fund.

The voices of dissent are getting louder as more money is directed towards long termist causes. The growing focus of the research community is based on a limited and minority perspective according to a researcher. He was disappointed with the lack of diversity in the field. He and his colleague wrote a preprint titled "Democratizing Risk" about the community's focus on the "techno-utopian approach" which assumes that pursuing technology to its maximum development is a net positive. There is a small number of key funders who have a very specific ideology, and either consciously or unconsciously select for the ideas that most appeal to them. To get more funding, you have to speak that language.

Longtermism sees history as a forward march toward inevitable progress.

The basic concept of longtermism has been hijacked from legal and economic scholars who were focused on intergenerational equity and environmentalism. MacAskill's central premise that "future people count" is not new. The Native American concept of the " seventh generation principle" and similar ideas in indigenous cultures across the globe ask each generation to consider the ones that have come before and will come after The idea that the past holds valuable lessons for action today is part of the concept.