Lili Lim heard about people who had the illness for weeks or even months. There were stories of people who had to quit their jobs due to exhaustion.

The symptoms were frightening for the man.

The 27-year-old, who was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in 2018, said that they would see them and say that they are the same as them. He was quick to relate to the plight of those with long Covid. The same thing happened with a different virus.

Chronic fatigue syndrome and long Covid are part of a larger group of illnesses that are caused by infections. There are many infections that can have long-term effects. Patients with post-infectious illnesses have had their symptoms minimized or dismissed.

Long Covid has made a change. More than half of Covid patients reported symptoms lasting longer than six months, according to a study by the American Medical Association. The pool of potential post-viral illness patients is likely to have grown many times over during the Pandemic. The surge has left scientists scrambling to find answers and unlock the mysteries of persistent Covid, which could translate to further understanding of other post-infectious afflictions.

This is one of the silver linings
Ziyad Al-Aly

Ziyad Al-Aly is the director of the clinical epidemiology center at Washington University.

The Researching Covid to Enhance Recovery project has been funded by the US National Institute of Health. One of the task force's aims is to track the similarities between Covid, ME/CFS and other conditions.

A psychologist who has spent decades researching post-viral illnesses said it was a huge increase in funding. Over the next five years, the NIH has allocated only $35m for ME/CFS research. How many research areas do you go into where you have to convince people that it is a legitimate area of research? Two years ago, things changed.

Scientists have focused on the immediate effects of a Viruses rather than its tail Doctors ignored the post-viral illness for the last 100 years. We didn't really follow it over time.

Encephalitis lethargica, also known as "sleepy sickness", was caused by the 1918 flu and similar symptoms were seen during the 1957 and 1963 flus. There wasn't much research done to link the long-term effects of the virus to each instance. Post-polio syndrome received little attention after a vaccine for the virus became available in the 1950s. There have been lasting effects from the more recent outbreak of diseases, but not at case numbers high enough to prompt extensive study.

Over the last few decades, ME/CFS has been the most common post-viral diagnosis, with an estimated 1.5 million cases in the US. Patients have found it hard to be heard.

Billy has been living with chronic fatigue for the past five years. Doctors either blamed his symptoms to a psychosomatic illness or dismissed them all together. He realized that he wasn't taken seriously. He had to quit his job in order to focus on getting healthy after traveling to a specialist in North Carolina. He said that he was working and running around to appointments.

I couldn’t work. I couldn’t really see people. It was hard to even convince my family this was real
Lili Lim

She had trouble getting people to take her seriously even though she was sick. She said that she was at home for three years. I couldn't do my job. I couldn't see anyone. It wasn't easy to convince my family that this was real.

It's all too common, said the man who has seen many such instances. How the medical community handles post-viral illnesses could be changed by the scale of Covid. A lot of people. He said it was crying out for something to be done We will have a transformation of the healthcare system if we can better understand unexplained illnesses.

Scientists are the first to admit that they don't know enough about post-viral illnesses. Jerry Krishnan, a professor of medicine and public health at the University of Chicago Illinois, is among those who have shifted his focus to long Covid and he breaks his curiosity into three general categories.

He said that all of those areas will need more research. He said that if you can't explain the problem, you can't solve it.

The Recover program in Illinois has been helped by the influx of long Covid funding. Recover researchers are currently involved in a population study of long Covid. Krishnan said that work like that is the only way to treat or prevent post-viral illnesses.

The person who agrees isJoanna Hellmuth. She studied the long-term effects of HIV at the University of California San Francisco Memory and Aging Center. Scientists don't really know why this is happening

Funding isn't the only impediment to progress, and she points to a historical lack of people working on post-viral illness. She remembered that she was told that it was a bad career choice.

She said that Long Covid galvanized the scientific community. Hellmuth said that he had gotten emails from people in all sorts of disciplines. There is a lot of interest in this problem.

Better understanding how viruses travel and stay in the body is one of the things Hellmuth emphasizes. Hellmuth said that with HIV the virus moves to the brain where it could make the illnesses more difficult to treat. She said that they hope to identify similar mechanisms of other viruses and develop treatments.

I don't know what treatments for post-viral illness would look like. Krishnan said it might be more antivirals or steroids. There are many possible options, one of which isonoclonal antibody. It will take time and resources to sort through the science. Treatments are likely to be not just virus dependent but person specific. Krishnan said that this would come down to individualized treatment.

Researchers are excited about the possibility that these illnesses could be prevented before they get serious. Risk patterns have begun to be identified in his research. A recent study of college students who got mononucleosis found that pre-existing immune system deficiencies were an indicator of which patients would go on to develop ME/CFS.

It was possible to predict who would recover or who wouldn't.

Doctors could use this information to protect vulnerable populations. The more basic questions of what's causing these maladies and what more can be done to help patients are still unanswered.

Covid has brought at least some social progress for post-viral patients, and that is something that is heartened by the fact that the scientific push for those answers is still going strong. People aren't as likely to say there's nothing wrong with you. It is a good thing that they will have less stigma.

Lili was also affected by that shift. She is letting herself be optimistic. The former athlete said that he loved teaching basketball. I would be the most happy person in the world if I regained the ability to exercise.