If you stay in a hotel through the Amex offers program, you can save money or earn bonus points if you stay longer. A stay at a boutique luxury property is worth it for Amex's new targeted hotel offer. The Leading Hotels of the World have a targeted Amex offers deal. You need to book through lhw.com or by phone to be eligible for the offer. Since LHW is a collection of independent hotels, I wouldn't be surprised if booking direct with the hotel would be eligible for the offer as well. Leading Hotels of the World has over 400 hotels around the world. Even if you don't know they are associated with the group, you're probably familiar with some of the properties. The Leading Hotels of the World are more of a hotel marketing group than a single hotel group. LHW sells a group of independent luxury hotels. Many of the smaller hotel groups' properties belong to LHW. The Leading Hotels of the World are similar to the Small Luxury Hotels of the World. Both the Ritz Paris and Les Airelles Courchevel belong to LHW. Leading Hotels of the World has a loyalty program for its members. If you spend $700+ at LHW properties in select countries in the coming months, you can take advantage of a new Amex offers deal that will save you $150. It is possible that this is a good offer. Do you know if you can take advantage of the Amex offers on one of your accounts?Spend $700+ with LHW, save $150
What is Leading Hotels of the World?