There is a house of the dragon.
The king is no longer alive. Don't worry, the king is alive and well!
A young servant makes his way through the halls and corridors of the Red Keep in the dark. The young woman he finds in the servants quarters is a handmaiden to the Queen. He whispered to her.
She goes to the chambers of Queen Alicent who is the daughter of the Hand. King Viserys is no longer alive. The last bastion of peace in the realm has moved away. He was taken away by the stranger and returned to the mother.
All of the Seven Kingdoms are going to cry.
King Viserys I was so crazy on his lips that he took his wife for his daughter. His wife thought he was talking about a dying wish to have their own son, Aegon, seated on the Iron Throne instead of Rhaenyra.
She made sure to keep her husband's death a secret, so she and her father assembled the Small Council just before the sun came up. The assembled lords are met with a sad sight. Viserys is no longer alive.
He wanted Aegon to succeed him as king.
There is a house of the dragon.
"That makes things simpler, Ser Tyland Lannister" he exclaimed. The King gives us the green light to put our plans into motion.
The Small Council began to plot after the Hand agreed. There are some Gold Cloak commanders who need to be removed.
Alicent is not sure what to think. She didn't know that her father was going to place Aegon on the throne. She is still troubled by the secret and plot behind her back. She wants to know what Rhaenyra is.
Alicent is not comfortable with the idea that she must be killed to make sure she doesn't claim the throne. Her father might not want them to kill her.
Lord Beesbury, the master of coin and lord treasurer, was the only one who dissented at the meeting. The old lord was angry when he sat on Viserys's small council. The old man is no longer doddering. He is angry to learn of what he calls theft and treason.
Criston Cole cut his speech short. He grabbed Beesbury by the shoulders and slammed him onto the table with a sickening crunch.
The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Harrold Westerling, drew his longsword and pointed it at Ser Criston. The younger knight is not going to back down.
Alicent seemed dismayed. She told Criston to sheath his sword. The old knight removed his cloak and storms from the room when Otto tried to order him to take his soldiers to Dragonstone. He won't be involved in the bad actions of the Hightowers.
The first thing they need to do is find the prince. Aegon can't be found in the Red Keep.
Arryk and ERyk.
Otto sent two knights of the Kingsguard to find their new liege. As the two searched for Aegon, who was dressed only in brown tunics, Erryk tried to convince his brother that he wasn't fit to be King. He is not happy that the young man would be put on the throne. Aegon expressed the same feelings when he was found.
Alicent wants Aegon to be brought to her instead of her father, so she sends Ser Criston and Aemond to find him.
The searchers make their way to brothels where Aegon took his younger brother as a boy and to fighting pits where children fought with one another. Aemond isn't happy with his brother. Aegon has spent his days training with a sword and lance and reading history books, but he has also gambled and whored. The man is sympathetic but duty bound.
A young woman tells Erryk and Arryk that they can go to the prince for the right price. They got Otto who met with Mysaria, the spymaster known as the White Worm, who demanded gold and an end to the child fights. Otto will pay her if he looks into the matter. The princes are found in the Great Sept and taken to Otto.
While Aemond is tempted to let Aegon disappear so that he can take the throne himself, they actually bring him back to his mother.
This is a strange show. The only major character of Team Black is Princess Rhaenys. When the king dies, she is trapped in her quarters as the conspirators do their dirty work. Alicent wants Rhaenys to bend the knee, but she doesn't. Lord Corlys Valeryon is grievously wounded from fighting in the Stepstone.
Team Black didn't have any other players show up in the episode. Rhaenyra is the first person we have not had. Daemon doesn't show up. None of Rhaenyra's children are present. Rhaenys doesn't want to go gentle. Ser Erryk takes her to the streets of King's Landing in order to save her. The knight said they would be looking for her at the dragonpit.
The Greens have other ideas. They rushed to make the coronation happen before Rhaenyra and her allies heard of the coup. It's better if Aegon is on the Iron Throne sooner. The Dragonpit is the perfect place to crown the dragon. The city's denizens are driven up the hill to the giant dome by the Gold Cloaks.
Rhaenys can see what the Greens have prepared in the large chamber of the Dragonpit. Thousands of merchants and commoners have gathered. The conspirators have gathered at the center of the hall. Aemond and Aegon are also there. The soldiers form a path between the crowds.
The Septon anointed Prince Aegon King after he walked beneath their swords. Aegon II turned and raised his sword, Blackfyre, and pumped his fist in the air as the crowd cheered.
Rhaenys moved quickly through the crowd and into the pits. There is a sudden thundering as the ground beneath them opens and Meleys comes up from below scattering the crowd. The queen sits on top of the dragon. She looks at the young king and his mother and then opens her mouth and makes a loud noise.
Rhaenys didn't say the word that could have ended the war in a single moment. She doesn't say "Dracaerys" out of pity. She doesn't do anything to the Hightowers. She doesn't do anything to her cousin's kids. She jumped out of the dragonpit and flew to safety. Had she ordered her dragon to burn them all to the ground, she could have ended a lot of pain and suffering.
The Seven Kingdoms have never seen a war like this one. It's unlike anything we have ever seen. a dance of dragons
Larys' strength was strong.
Before we leave, one last thing to say. As the years have gone by, Larys Strong has become more influential. In tonight's episode he makes it clear that he will play all sides of any conflict should it further his mysterious ends.
When Otto talks about all the time he's spent with his daughter, he says the same thing. He spills what he knows about the White Worm's spies and how the Hand uses them when he is with Alicent. If she pleases, he will take the network down.
He looks at the Queen. She puts her feet on the table after taking off her slipper. She removed her stockings as he spoke. She lifts her skirts, showing off her naked feet and calves, as he reaches down and begins to pleasure himself, as she turns away from the indignity of what followed.
When he killed his father and brother, he told her he would repay her someday. The Clubfoot, as he is known, has a foot fetish and has been paid for it. There is a disturbing scene in this series.
There is a house of the dragon.
There is going to be a war. The stage of the coming conflict has been set by House Of The Dragon, who has introduced us to the fraught relationships, alliances and enmities that have led to the different groups we now have arrayed before us.
The source material for the series is the book, Fire & Blood, written by George R.R. Martin. The best change in the show is to add more depth to the relationships between the characters. The show is richer due to the fact that Rhaenyra and Alicent have a long, deep, heartbreaking friendship that isn't present in the book. The character of Viserys is not present in the book due to his illness and passion for bringing his family together and ending their squabbling.
This is how adaptation should be done. The strengths of Martin's story are enriched by House of The Dragon. Martin's stories and themes are enhanced by every change. The section of Fire & Blood that this story is based on is based on unreliable sources, so many events in the book are called into question or told in different ways depending on who is doing the telling. Some of the differences between text and screen can be explained by the show telling the "true" version.
The story of Beesbury's death is told in this episode. There are different accounts in the book. There is no doubt that he was killed by Ser Criston. He was thrown from the window by the Kingsguard. He slashed the old mans throat. He slammed his head to the table in this version.
Aegon doesn't want to be king and shouldn't steal his sister's birthright in the book. He tried to escape here, and later laughed at his mother when she told him it was his father's wish. He told her that he didn't like her.
This was another great episode of a show that is getting better with each passing episode. We couldn't hope to reach that two weeks in a row because it lacked emotional power. It was a very different beast altogether. There was a lot of calm before the storm.
There is a storm. We are gathering all around. I am filled with both excitement and dread, as well as a bit of sadness, that this season will end in a week and we will have to wait for the second season. Hopefully not as long as Rings of Power.
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