Health17 October 2022

A cancer vaccine could be widely available within the next decade according to the husband and wife team who co- founded BioNTech.

Professor Ozlem Tureci said that a cure for cancer or to change the lives of cancer patients is in their grasp.

Professor Ugur Sahin said that the cancer vaccine could be widely available in eight years.

He believes that this will happen before the year 2030.

The hope is that the vaccine will teach the body how to recognize and attack cancer.

The New York Times reported that BioNTech was focused on developing technologies for cancer treatment.

Tureci said that their experiences working in cancer wards as young physicians motivated them to work in cancer research.

Tureci said that the work was the "tailwind" for the COVID-19 shot development.

The couple was asked if there was a chance that the vaccine wouldn't work.

Tureci did not think so. We can induce those killer T-cells, we can direct them, and that's what we've learned about the immune system and the cancer vaccine.

Tureci said that it was not certain how doctors would use other types of medical interventions in combination with the vaccine to ensure that patients are cured.

Tureci said that "every step and every patient we treat helps us to understand more about what we are against and how to address that."

The original article was published by Business Insider.

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