The first image of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way was revealed at nine simultaneous press conferences. The image of the ring of light around the central pit of darkness seemed to prove that the black hole in the center of our galaxy is spinning and obeys Einstein.

Things don't stack up on closer inspection

Researchers estimate how much matter is falling onto Sagittarius A* from the brightness of the bagel of light. It's not quick at all. Natarajan compared the universe to a broken shower. It takes a thousandth of the matter from the surrounding universe to make it to the hole. Natarajan said that it was showing a huge problem. This gas is going somewhere. What is going on with the flow? Our understanding of black hole growth is questionable.

Over the past 25 years, astrophysicists have come to understand what a tight-knit, dynamic relationship exists between the black holes at their centers. There has been a huge change in the field of theoretical astrophysics. Black holes are important in shaping and controlling the evolution of the universe.

Researchers are only beginning to understand how these giant holes work, but they are similar to the engines of the universe. The accretion disk around the black hole is formed when gravity pulls dust and gas into the center of the universe. When this matter is engulfed by the black hole, energy is sent back into the universe. The growth of a black hole is more efficient than any other process we know of in nature. The feedback affects star formation rates.

Researchers only have vague ideas about what happens when a black hole is active. The triggering mechanism is what I am wondering. The off switch is what I am wondering. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is trying to answer these questions.

AGN feedback on a smaller scale has the same effects as stellar feedback. The stellar engines are large enough to regulate small galaxies, while the giant engines of black holes can dominate the evolution of the largest elliptical galaxies.

The largest spiral galaxy is in the middle. Our universe was thought to be dominated by stellar feedback due to the lack of obvious activity at its center. Several recent observations show that AGN feedback shapes it. Astrophysicists hope to figure out how black holes coevolve in general by studying the interplay between these feedback mechanisms. Natarajan said that the Milky Way is becoming the most powerful astrophysical lab. It may hold the key if it serves as a sample.

The engines of the universe.

Astronomers accepted the existence of black holes in the late 1990s. They could see the invisible objects and figure out their mass from the stars' movements. It was found that the heavier the central black hole, the bigger it is. This was extremely tight and revolutionary. Tiziana Di Matteo is an astronomer at Carnegie Mellon University.

It is surprising that the correlation is not bigger than the black hole. TheSagittarius A* weighs around 4 million suns, while the Milky Way weighs 1.5 trillion suns. The black hole only pulls its gravity on the innermost part of the universe.