A woman took to the internet to gauge whether she was overreacting. Her husband often travels alone with his best friend, but this time invited her along. He bought her a ticket in coach, while he buying tickets in first for himself and his friend. The man explained that she flies coach because the woman – a stay at home mom – has “no job” even though she reports they’re easily able to afford first class.

When they left the kids with the wife's mother, she found out she'd be in the economy and he wouldn't. He belittling her for acting like a princess and complaining that he didn't have enough money to pay for her ticket.

She decided not to go on the trip and picked the kids up from her mother's house. The man took the trip. She wants to know if she is in the wrong for notSettling for Economy.

Two points would be added by me.

  • The internet sided with her, naturally. I’m almost skeptical of the story because it’s almost too egregious to be real.
  • She buys the usual explanation he offers for vacationing without her that he and his friend ‘like to attend sporting events.’ “Sporting events,” of course, means bordellos.

It's not okay to coach on your partner. Buying the lower class of service for a spouse is the same as buying the higher class of service for a spouse. That is a sign that you don't love that person. If you can secure a premium cabin for the one you love, but not the one you don't, do you really love them?

In the past, I wrote about husbands who fly business class while their wives fly coach. A relationship columnist for the Washington Post told a woman that her boyfriend should be dumped by her if he pays for her to fly coach.

Sometimes spouses don't have to sit together. There is only one seat up front that can be used. You take the upgrade when it's offered. It goes to the person that was upgraded.

Your mileage may vary.

It's hard to fly in a different class of service than other people.

In general.

Many passengers have been treated badly by US airlines. Customer complaints about airlines are not always valid. Sometimes there are genuine misunderstandings, where they could be opportunities to better explain things to consumers.

In general.

A passenger on an American Airlines flight from Dallas Fort-Worth to Miami reported that a woman got up from her seat in the coach section to sit with her friend in first class. She hid in a seat.

"Passengers" is a movie.