Two years after it was observed shredding a small star, a black hole has been burping out energy from it.

This is not normal.

The lead author of the paper says it's "super unusual". This is the first time we've ever seen it that way.

Some two dozen black holes where stars had been shredded after coming too close to them were discovered by researchers using a powerful radio telescope. The material in the stars was pulled apart. TDEs are things that happen in the water.

They discovered that one of the TDEs was emitting energy at an unusual rate and time after the event.

This behavior is different from what has been seen before in black holes Radio emissions from black holes can be seen within the first few months after swallowing a star. The energy being emitted in this case doesn't match what we've seen before.

Black holes that swallow stars tend to have lower outflows in energy. In 1% of cases, that outflow is way more.

In this case, but? Half the speed of light is in between.

This is the first case where we've seen this kind of speed associated with an event. The best estimate we have is about two years after the star got eaten by the black hole, and that's exciting. That is the first thing that has ever been seen.

Scientists don't know why it is happening.

The research team has been able to rule out what isn't causing it, but they don't know what is.

I didn't think anything could escape from a black hole.

The event horizon is when you can't escape the black hole if you get too close. According to our best estimates, this material didn't cross that boundary.

The star was too close to the black hole to fall into that point of no return.

New avenues for research have been created by the team's discoveries.

This is great news for theorists because it opens up a new perspective in our understanding of physics. They need to get to work and let me know what's happening.

She says there are other black holes that can be studied deeper. It's possible that occurrences like this are more common.

The discovery is what the astronomer hopes to find.

She wanted to be an astronomer since she was a child. I've been excited about this discovery for a long time. It was a lot of work, but it was rewarding and I wanted it to be that way. This has been really great.