Tim Peake spent 18 years in the military and was a bed and breakfast owner. He was a test pilot when he applied to be anastrologer. He was the first British person to go to the International Space Station. The Cosmic Diary of Our Incredible Universe has just been published and he is on his first UK speaking tour. He lives with his family.
My proudest moments are when I am camping with my family in Scotland and cooking on a fire.
What is the scariest thing you've ever done? There were no options left to run out of.
What is the trait you don't like about yourself? It's shyness. I wish it didn't hold me back when I was younger. I don't feel so shy these days.
What is the most important thing in your life? The union flag that I wore on my uniform when I did the spacewalk in 2016 was given to the queen.
Is it possible to describe yourself in three words. I'm clumsy and optimistic.
What is your greatest strength? It's necessary to be able to fly. I have always wanted to be up in the sky.
What do you don't like about yourself? I'm small and ginger.
Which celebrity do you like the most? There is a person named Kyly.
Who would play you in a movie? There is a man named Damian Lewis.
Which book are you not a fan of? There is a book called Homer's Odyssey.
The worst thing someone has said to you? I was told that I wouldn't be accepted into the Army Air Corps because I wanted to be a pilot. I was able to have a second interview, and I was accepted.
What is the most pleasurable thing you have ever done? Crisps made from salt and vinegar.
What words do you use the most? "If we're going to have a future together, you're going to have to stop saying 'to be honest'."
How many times have you changed your mind about something? I usually stick to my decisions.
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Do you want to leave your kids? There are happy memories.
The quality of your life could be improved by one thing. There's more time.
What are you proudest achievements? There is a solar panel at the farthest edge of the space station. You don't know if you'll be able to do a spacewalk when you go into space. I was able to survive. There is a juxtaposition between floating and being aware of the hostile environment you are in.
What makes you sleepy at night? There's nothing.
What are the most important lessons you've learned? Learn as if you were to live forever. I think Mahatma Gandhi's quote sums up how we should live.
When we die, what will happen? We know if we are living in a simulation or not.