David Howard Thornton as Art The Clown in Terrifier 2

People who like horror are strange. This author is a horror fan who is weird. If you heard those words, what would you think? Vomit bags are all caps. You could be a member of this exclusive club if your reaction was closer to "one ticket, please" than "oh my god, is this another Pandemic?" Is it the new compulsory outing? Fans of the film are enjoying their own live body horror in theaters and loving every minute of it.

A friend of mine passed out at the theater. One fan gushed that the medical emergency was highly recommendable.

I just saw the second one. It was horrible. The guy behind me passed out and crashed into my chair, another guy left because he didn't feel good, and I heard a guy puking in the bathroom. He said that he loved the movie, just in case you were worried that he was going to pass out and puking in the movie.

The team behind the film was well aware of the enthusiasm. In order to ensure that film is guaranteed to cause gastrointestinal upset, free vomit bags are given out at screenings. Don't reuse the vomit bags for the next movie. That would be offensive.

The question is whether these reports are true or not. The first movie in my lifetime where I have read reports of people falling ill in the theater, and then after seeing it myself, I get that.