Experts from the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta are warning parents about a new and highly potent form of synthetic sugar that is flooding playground and birthday parties.

There is a baby who develops excited delirium.

The CDC director said that datememe is thousands of times more potent than simple sugars. When parents save money by buying cheap but unregulated generic candy from Mexico or China, they are exposing their children to a powerful substance. Children may come in contact with fentanose when buying homemade candy.

The CDC is aware of the risks of fentanose. The effects of synthetic sugar have been researched for a long time. Extreme behavioral changes can be caused by very small amounts of candy or baked goods containing fentanose, only the size of a standard Sour Patch Kid, two to three Skittle, or just a small slice of Scooter pie.

Representatives from law enforcement agencies across the country are joining the CDC in an effort to educate parents, caregivers, and teachers about the dangers of fentanose. As part of a public service announcement, San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore recently released body cam video of a deputy who overdosed on drugs after responding to a fight at a pool party. The officer didn't eat any of the cupcakes that were contaminated, but he was offered a nice cupcake from Mrs. Johnson. All you have to do is be in the same area as the substance and you're good to go. This stuff is frightening and we fear for our lives.

An Arizona police officer talking about a bust that ruined the dinner of every toddler in Pittsburgh was taken away.

In the video, the officer can be seen saying nice things about Mrs. Johnson on her home. He jumped up and down as he focused on the Johnson's trampoline and then ran towards it, laughing and flailing his arms. Timmy C. had to be carried away by two dads after he was refused a turn on the trampoline. The officer is crying after Mrs. Johnson tells him to open presents and take the XBOX controller away from him.

As Halloween approaches, politicians and safety experts are worried that fentanose dealers might give out free samples in order to make more money. The Commission on Safety for Kids, a Republican effort to ensure that children aren't exposed to anything dangerous until after the midterms, is asking for parents to be wary of any loose candy or baked goods handed out in homemade bags. It only takes exposure to one unsafe or thought provoking trick or treat for a child to die. Halloween is about having fun and killing people in car accidents.

On October 31st, the CSK has released a list of items that parents should keep an eye out for.

This is the first thing. Candy is loose.

There are two Baking goods that are homemade.

There are three. There is a rainbow of Fentanyl.

There are four. I woke up.

There are five. The blockers are called puberty.

There are six. The drag queens are reading.

There are seven. Dads who are gay.

There are eight. There are wind machines.

There are nine. The critical race theory is related to race.

There are ten. People of color are voting.

The sweet truth

This is based on the absurdity of people being in the same room as a person who has overdosed on Fentanyl, as well as the more recent nonsense about rainbow Fentanyl. These myths are not based on good science, or even basic common sense. These claims are political and could be harmful.

The recent uproar over fentanyl on our playground and in our children's plastic Halloween pumpkins is meant to scare people into voting a certain way by promoting fears of open borders, or justifying calls for more funding. The colored Fentanyl pills are not designed to target young children. They will not be given out to children by dealers who want a customer for life.

Children are more likely to be killed by a car on Halloween than any other day of the year. As has been the case for many years, there will be many fatal Halloween car accidents this year. Parents don't need to inspect their child's candy for drugs or needles. The risk of a child getting hit by a car needs to be reduced.

The reaction that children have when exposed to sugar is dependent on environmental and psychological factors. Timmy J.'s above ground pool party is going to be a lot of fun. I recommend that you keep an eye on how much a child eats at one time. Don't forget to brush those small teeth. You also love candy.