There are rings of power.
The first season of The Rings of Power is over and I can't say anything else.
The creators of The Rings of Power have treated The Lord of the Rings badly, and I have never seen an adaptation like that before. The creation is barely visible through the dreck.
I was willing to give this show a try. I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw, but soon the cracks began to show in the story and its heroes. This show is not created.
The travesty that is the Season 1 finale is what I will try to figure out in a future piece. Everything that could have went wrong has done so. The show's quality was not what I was worried about.
Daniel Weyman is a person.
The episode begins with a man wandering through a forest and someone dropping an apple on him. He chases after a person who isn't really Nori. The person he thought was Nori immediately turned into the head witch, making us wonder what the point of changing into Nori was. Alright!
The other witches told him that he was a witch. Saugron! It is obvious that this is a ruse to trick viewers into thinking that the question has been answered so that they don't pay much attention to what the left hand is.
They promised to take him east to Rhn where the veil could be removed and he could regain his powers. I think it is a great idea that The Stranger and Nori will head to Rhn in the second season. The witches hear something and decide that what they should do is shape-shift, because The Stranger is doing his weird wind power until they stop him and tie him up.
The Harfoots show up and see that there are only two witches, so they distract them and go to release the bound. The witch who is more powerful than the Harfoots had no reason to keep her identity a secret. The head witch lights everything on fire when the stranger shows up, but Nori gives him a pep talk and then hands him the staff.
He needed something to control his powers and the staff is that thing, it appears, because a moment later he put out all the flames and is standing tall. The witches are told from shadow to shadow that they will return.
They say you're not Sauron. "You're......"
I was made to question everything I know about professional writing in Hollywood after he said, "I'm good!"
It's not Sauron. Who would Sauron be?
Morfydd Clark and CharlesEdwards are from Galadriel.
The creators of The Rings of Power have proven to be less than gifted when it comes to magic, as evidenced by the fact that a magician distracts you with his right hand. Everyone was aware that Halbrand would be Sauron when the twist came. There was no surprise here.
Even though Halbrand has a wound that requires Elvish healing, Galadriel and Halbrand still travel all the way to E region. It took them six days to get there. It's not really crazy that people who are seriously wounded can ride at a gallop for days or weeks with no problems.
Elrond and Celebrimbor are in Eregion talking about what they will do now that the dwarfs have refused them. It is convenient for Galadriel and Halbrand to show up at the same time as Gil-Galad. This show doesn't rely on coincidences or contrivances.
They were told by Gil-Galad that they had run out of time and he was ordering the abandoning of E region. Everyone is to head to Lindon so that they can leave Middle-earth and return to Valinor. Elrond and Celebrimbor argue for more time, but Gil-Galad is hesitant to give them it. Gil-Galad sends Galadriel away at the beginning of the season and just a few episodes later, the entire elvish race is doomed.
Arondir claims that the elves don't actually haveElvish healing, but Halbrand was taken to get it. He heads directly to Celebrimbor's workshop and is very excited when he learns that he is talking to the great Celebrimbor himself. When Celebrimbor says they don't have enough, he suggests using an alloy. A master smith wouldn't think of this.
Halbrand replied "Call it a gift" after Celebrimbor said "thanks for the intriguing suggestion"
Anyone who knows anything about the story of the Rings of Power will agree with that line. The Lord of Gifts is known as Annatar when he comes to the elves. Gil-Galad, Elrond and Galadriel are not fooled by Celebrimbor, who is weakened by his ambition.
Galadriel finally came up with his heckles when Celebrimbor started talking about forging a new power. She is immediately suspicious when she learns that Halbrand gave Celebrimbor advice. She dragged him kicking and screaming all the way after she ran into him in the middle of the ocean and now she's suspicious of him?
She has an elven clerk go to find her records, which the elf says will take ages, he will need to go to the catacombs, but she learns the horrible truth when he returns. She didn't bother to do any more research at the hall of lore because she didn't know that the line of kings had died out.
He immediately fesses up after she confronted him. The song broke before he was born. He has manyTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkia If the setup before this point had been better, the following scene might have been better. Everything leading here relied on either radical coincidence or stupidity. They could have set this up in a more convincing way, but they rushed it and hacked the source material to pieces.
Galadriel refused Sauron's advances and left Eregion. Galadriel told Elrond and Celebrimbor to make three rings instead of two.
They make the rings in 15 minutes or so.
It took 90 years for the rings to be made. The first rings are not made by them. Galadriel wants them to be for elves only. Sauron would have been there to help forge the rings. His plan was to get the elves to make the rings so that he could control all of them. The elves kept the elven rings secret until after Sauron attacked and destroyed E region.
None of that is here. The most basic elements of the forging of the Rings of Power are nowhere to be found. Halbrand/Sauron is in E region. This is true to the source. I understand that changes need to be made, but this isn't one of them. This is a completely new story. What do you think will happen?
They need gold and silver from Valinor. Galadriel's dagger is the only thing she has left of her brother, so they use gold and silver instead of gold and silver.
Halbrand hoofs it back to Mordor where we see him hiking over the mountains and staring evilly down at Mount Doom. It doesn't seem like we're getting a romance. Celeborn was not mentioned in this episode.
There are rings of power.
There are many good looks at the Nmenorean ship that brings Elendil, Miriel and that one dude who was friends with Isildur back home. The horses go somewhere. The tents and food are all there. Do you mean all the people? The ship is a small one.
There is very little significance happening in this plot line. The two people are on the boat. The daughter of Elendil hangs out with the king before he dies. I just watched a much more powerful scene with a king dying over on House of the Dragon and I couldn't help but compare it to the one I just watched.
When the king dies, Ar-Pharazon looks menacing. When Elendil and Miriel come back, he sees them and knows what happened, but she doesn't and has to keep asking "What do you see?" Do you see anything?
Kind of it. There's a little setup for the second season.
Sara Zwangobani (Marigold Brandyfoot), Dylan Smith (Largo Brandyfoot), Beau Cassidy (Dilly), and Markella Kavenagh (Elanor 'Nori' Brandyfoot).
The Harfoots said farewell to Nori and the stranger. When Nori calls it an adventure, the stranger tells her that she needs companions for that. She agreed to go with her father when he told her. Do you think the Lord of the Rings trilogy has to be long?
Nori is leaving and that's terrible. "Why does everyone I love have to leave?" she asked, to which Nori replied "We wouldn't learn anything new if we didn't" They don't suggest that you can both go. There isn't any family left in the caravan. They are best friends because she pulls her own cart by herself. Female and male Frodo and Sam!
We have a couple years to wait for another season, but not about anything that was written by J.R.R. It is comforting to know that both the Rings of Power and the Lord of the Rings were created within a short period of time. It is possible to condense thousands of years into a week and a half.
Quality writing is what that is.
The season could have been devoted to the actual forging of the rings. They were deceived by Annatar/Halbrand. To the elves A story of the quest to cheat death and the pride that comes before the fall could have been told earlier. The show could have taken the source material and made it into a TV series. Pride has been the downfall of Amazon's Lord of the Rings.
When they had a good story to tell, they added too much and cut too much. Tell that expensive story. The other one should be made up. I don't know what to think.
What a terrible event.
My review is here.
There are scattered thoughts.
Children, it's over. Everything is over. It's time to rest.