The sale of Musk's "Burnt Hair" scent has made him a legit perfumier.

The world's richest man was correct when he said that his name makes him perfuming.

Getting into the fragrance business was inevitable because of my name. I don't understand why I fought it for so long.

Making Millions

Musk revealed his intentions behind the sale.

He made $2 million in revenue by selling 20,000 bottles of the still-unreleased scent through The Boring Company.

Boring Perfume

The billionaire's will-he-won't-he Twitter-buying bid, which is the subject of a Delaware trial set to begin at the end of October, has turned into a meme.

The "Burnt Hair" splash page on The Boring Company's website has the tone of an on-the-nose Musk meme, with anonymous and likely fake "testimonials" boasting that the perfume smells "just"