Arizona State and Zhejiang Universities reach qubit computing breakthrough
a. Experimental SC circuit of device I with qubits and couplers in a square geometry. The light-grey dashed rectangles represent dimers that constitute the chain with intracoupling Ja, intercoupling Je and small cross-coupling Jx. b. Schematic (upper left) of the dynamics of the collective dimer states |Π〉 and |Π′〉. Numerics of the ratio Δ/Γ as a function of system size L for different ratios of Ja/Je, with Jx/2π in the range of [0.3, 1.2] MHz (lower left). Four-dimensional hypercube in the Hilbert space (right). c. Quantum state tomography for the four-qubit fidelity FA(t) and entanglement entropy SA(t) in a 30-qubit chain for thermalizing initial states, namely, |0101…0110〉 (i) and |01001…100110110〉 (ii), and the QMBS state Π′ (green). The couplings are Ja/2π = 1.5Je/2π ≃ −9 MHz. The inset shows the Fourier transform of the four-qubit fidelity with the peak at ω1/2π ≈ 21 MHz. The dashed grey line in the bottom panel represents the maximal thermal entropy for the subsystem, approaching to 4ln(2). d. Same data as c, but for different couplings, namely, Ja/2π = 2.5Je/2π ≃ −10 MHz from device II and ω′1/2π ≈ 22 MHz. Schematics in c and d illustrate the bipartition of the system. Credit: Arizona State University, Zhejiang University

Researchers from Arizona State University and Zhejiang University in China, along with two theorists from the United Kingdom, have been able to demonstrate for the first time that large numbers of quantum bits, or qubits, can be tuning to interact with each other.

This can now be done in atom systems.

In a paper to be published in Nature Physics, a group of people demonstrate the emergence of quantum many. It is possible to achieve high processing speed and low power consumption with the use of exotic quantum states.

QMBS states have the ability of multipartite entanglement, which makes them appealing to applications such as quantum sensor and metrology.

Classical computing uses transistors that can only represent the number one or the number two at a time. qubits can represent both 0 and 1 at the same time.

It is necessary to assemble a large number of fundamental information-processing units. Maintaining a high degree of coherence among the qubits is important for quantum computing.

It is possible for the qubits and environmental noise to ruin the coherence in a very short time. Many interacting qubits make up a large body system.

The goal of the research is to understand how to delay thermalization to maintain coherence.

The process of thermalization is a result of a system of many interacting particles. The process of quantum thermalization is caused by the scrambling among many qubits.

The findings of quantum computing will have applications in a number of areas.

More information: Lei Ying, Many-body Hilbert space scarring on a superconducting processor, Nature Physics (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01784-9. Journal information: Nature Physics