Nobody asked for a conversation between Apple founder Steve Jobs and Joe Rogan, who is still alive, that was powered by artificial intelligence.

These two didn't talk to each other. A self-proclaimed "hyper- realistic" voice generator called is thought to have been founded by a venture called

The company's website states that they believe in a future where all content creation will be generated by artificial intelligence, but guided by humans, and the most creative work will depend on the human's ability to articulate their desired creation to the machine.

Faux Jogan

The almost-20-minute long con-faux-sation does sound pretty convincing, but the fake Joe Rogan is a bit more believable. Rogan makes his millions by uploading a lot of hours-long conversations to the internet every day.

It wasn't as easy to work with the artificial intelligence jobs. According to the limited information listed on the company's website, his biography and all recordings of him could be found online.

It's possible that this is doing the same thing as a true-story film would do: take a real person and make a story out of it.

It sounded similar to a standard Joe Rogan interview in a lot of ways.

Microsoft's inability to create an aesthetically pleasing design was one of the things that Artificial Intelligence Jobs took a beating for.

More to Come

This conversation was not real. Content like this isn't just spooky, it's also frightening in an era where there is a constant race to keep up with technology.

We are going to see a lot more of it.

The mission states that they are building that future with the ability to clone any voice with perfect resemblance.

Artificial intelligence dreams up what dead celebrities would look like today.