The story of I Love You, You Hate Me Barney is being aired on Peacock.
"I Love You, You Hate Me," the documentary series about the history of the folks who bash 90s-era kid catnip, Barney the Dinosaur, does have "elements of crime" according to Barney documentary director Tommy Avallone.
It is a buzzy box to be put in. The series that does do true crime more troubling than viewers hate an imaginary dinosaur has been said to be popular by people. We are a little bit more nuanced than that right now. We're likely to spend 15 minutes on it.
I'm aware.
There is a larger examination of the intersection of a time of ironic Gen X and the story of a teacher who became a purple dinosaur mogul. You get the makings of excellent, nostalgic TV when you combine the happy outlook of Barney with the society's viewing preferences at the time.
I Love You, You Hate Me was able to show several examples of pseudo lynchings of a puffy imaginary creature because of the two-part series, which will premiere this week on Peacock.
The director had a list of reasons on a whiteboard. I don't believe there was a single reason why people disliked Barney. It hit different types of things for each person.
Tommy's name is Tommy.
Was it a soft purple outfit? It might be possible. Some people assigned sexuality to the dinosaur and were upset that a T-rex was declawed. Was it the joyful music? It might be possible. The pianist for the show recoils from the song while playing it. The Barney creator's husband talked about leaving his job to be a stay-at- home dad to his son after he shot a neighbor in the chest, and the family scandals came after that.
The cast and crew of Barney, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Al Roker, and Springer were consulted and had plenty to say in the series. Many of the interviews from people who were part of the Barney show were unable to make the final cut because the director had so many interviews in the can. This is normal for a documentary, but it is interesting that so many people were willing to speak about the purple dinosaur backlash.
One of the first people I talked to was Bob West, the voice of Barney. Barney came out on the internet first. It's true. His email was leaking. He told me that he received a death threat from a young child. I was wondering if there was something here.
The series was created. The film was made during the height of the Covid-19 epidemic. It was sold to Peacock, which is owned by NBC Universal, about a month ago. The director says there was a relationship there.
The second actor to play Barney after he was conscripted by the Army was David Joyner. Children were drawn to Joyner's role in the live shows. The media made a big deal out of Joyner being a tantric sex expert. Prior to being hired by Leach, Joyner had disclosed that he was a practitioners. He had to sign an agreement prohibiting him from talking about his tantric practices while playing Barney.
In the series, Joyner says that Barney and sex aren't compatible.
Avadallone looked into that.
"Wherever the word sex is used, people get worried." He explained it in the way he said it. He wasn't doing it as Barney, he was doing it his own way. He didn't have that business until he was older. Before Barney, what he was doing was all about meditation, energy work and other things. He was trying to bring up his energy by showing it on the television. Is that weird as well? It was a success. He connected with these kids in a way that was amazing.
The interviews have a wide reach.
Are you referring toLori? She is married to Dean Wendt, who is the other voice of Barney.
It's clear that the web of Barney fellowship is deep. Many of the kids in the film became friends. Some went on to become famous, like Selena Gomez.
The series examines the cultural movements of that time period, from the creation of the Jerry Springer Show and our addiction to those fights to the ironic-popularity of Beavis and Butthead. Pre-school children became the first generation in the nation to have a show geared at them in the same years that Gen X formed. Barney wanted to target two and three year olds. They became old out. Barney and Friends existed in a place that Electric Company and Sesame Street couldn't claim, as those shows worked with children from preschool to grade school.
The older children didn't understand Barney. Barney was only happy, as opposed to other kids shows that had different characters with different emotions. Good TV can be made out of the juxtaposition.
I found it on the internet. The event was at the University of Nebraska. It was a newscast in 1993. The newscasters thought that the future of our country was there. I wondered if we would explore love and hate. We are living in that future right now.
There is a culture of irony that turns into dislike and then into a culture of gleefully injuring others.
It's similar to looking at someone and thinking of their face value. He says that they created a successful character. You never know what's going on behind closed doors. There's a lot of gray. ryl's family was struggling with some of the fame
It was unfortunate that the nation was still struggling with the fame of Barney.
He's kind of silly, so it would be great if people watched this and went. Why don't I like what I don't like? What do you think about me? "Avilallone says." I don't want to listen to Blippy in the car with my son. There is a part of your brain that would like to turn off this stuff. What do you think that says? My son has to question the things he likes now that he knows I don't like that one. The way I feel about certain things has been questioned because of the documentary.