The rookies shows out with 16 points. There is a time and a place for this.
Harrison Barnes earned a ring last week, despite the fact that the Kings haven't won an NBA title since 1951.
At their practice facility, the Kings have a new bell that rewards players for contributions that don't show up on the stat sheet.
Barnes took a charge in practice and earned the first ring. The bell was replaced after it broke.
"We want to reward players and bring recognition to the guys that do good things for the team," said Kings assistant coach Jay Triano.
โ Sacramento Kings (@SacramentoKings) October 12, 2022
There is a history with bells. Triano said they were trying to bring the bell back to the capital city.
โ Sacramento Kings (@SacramentoKings) October 12, 2022
Phil Jackson called Sacramento an "old cow town" in 2002, which started the bell culture in the area. During the 2002 Western Conference finals series, fans brought cowbells to the games.
The Kings embraced the term in 2016 when their new arena opened up. There is a cowbell in the hallway between the locker room and the court.