"Perfume Salesman" is the name of the man.
The official price of Burnt Hair perfume is $100, but at least 24 sellers are selling it for as much as ten times that.
Within hours of the perfume's launch, 10,000 bottles had been sold, according to the billionaire. That's $1 million in sales at $100 a pop.
According to Forbes, the launch continued Musk's record of turning seemingly joke products into coveted merchandise. He changed his bio to "Perfume Salesman" on the social networking site.
By Wednesday morning, some two dozen sellers on eBay had started their own resale campaigns. The product was being offered for $1,000 or the best price. One of the bottles was already sold on eBay. The seller was able to raise the price so high because of the cult of Elon.
Other sellers were selling the perfume for much higher prices than the official price. The Boring Co. has not said how long it planned to keep the perfume listed. They might think no one will notice the prices.
Ebay does not allow them to offer items at a price higher than is reasonable. It is against the rules to profit off inflated prices for essential items during an emergency. The company didn't reply to the email.