Dozens of articles from internationally renowned concussion expert Dr Paul McCrory have had notices of concern placed over them, after repeated allegations of plagiarism against the neurologist and former long-term sports concussion advisor.
The British Journal of Sports Medicine and its publisher, BMJ, said in a statement and editorial on Monday that their trust in McCrory's work was "broken" Five articles written by the journal's former editor were found to have plagiarized. There are three more articles with the word "duplicate" in them.
In the ninth retracted article, McCay quotes Dr. Augustus Thorndike in a way that is not true. The quote distorts Thorndike's recommendations for managing continued participation in contact sport after a concussion.
There are new plagiarism claims against a concussion expert.
The editors decided to put a notice on all his pieces because of the pattern of publication misconduct that they had discovered.
To plagiarise while holding the position of editor-in-chief of a journal is an abuse of power. The editorial said that it undermines both science and the trust placed in editors.
The scientific record depends on trust, and the articles that he has published as a single author are not. We will look into any new allegations about the work. Other publishers and his institution are asked to do the same.
The journal gave him the chance to inform us of any other of his articles that may fall short of acceptable publishing standards, but he did not provide any new information.
Allegations of plagiarism were first aired in March against McCrory, which led to the retraction of one of his 2005 editorials, citing an "unlawful and indefensible" breach of copyright.
At the time, he gave a statement to Retraction Watch in which he said his failure to attribute the work was an error.
The lead author of four of the five highly influential Consensus Statements on concussion in sport was the chair of the influential Concussion in Sport Group. The papers shaped concussion management protocols in professional and amateur sports around the world.
The editorial stated that his most influential work was his change in the concussion consensus statements. Our conclusion is that we have no concerns about plagiarism.
The question of the extent of McCrory's contribution to and influence on the five versions of the consensus statement is a matter for the scientific committee.
The initial plagiarism allegations led to the resignation of McCrory.
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The Medical Board of Australia was made aware in May of last year that he would not perform certain procedures.
Guardian Australia has tried to contact McCrory many times regarding the plagiarism allegations, his clinical research, his treatment of concussed players, and the enforceable undertakings to the medical board, but no response has been given.
The coroner presiding over the directions hearing for the inquest heard on Friday that the outcome of the review would be imminent. After taking his own life in 2020 at the age of 38, Tuck was found to have had a severe case of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a disease associated with repeated head trauma.
In September, Guardian Australia reported that Nick Brown, a data analyst at Linnaeus University in Sweden, had found a further 10 instances of alleged plagiarism by the author. At the time, he didn't respond to questions about it.
The editorial states that over his career, he published at least 164 articles in BMJ journals, of which 40 were co-authored research articles. The 38 articles that it says are single-authored are disputed by website Retraction Watch, which counts 78 sole-authored articles by the author.