Old Viserys are poor.

King managed to get out of bed in episode 8 and bring about a temporary peace between his family and friends. Right up until it wasn't, it was all going so well.

There is a problem. The king was in pain and Alicent came to his aid with some milk of the poppy. The king started talking about the prophecy that he spoke to Rhaenyra about in the first episode of the show, and then accidentally said something that is going to start a civil war.

Let's go up a step. Why were Viserys' words so important?

What were King Viserys' last words to Alicent?

Viserys is lying in bed trying to tell the difference between his daughter Rhaenyra and his wife Alicent in the first two episodes of the show. Rhaenyra introduces him to her children, one of whom is called Aegon, and asks him about a prophecy he once told her.

At the end of the show, the king begins talking to Alicent about the things that stuck in his head. At this point, he thinks he's talking to Rhaenyra again, and even though Alicent doesn't understand his talk of the Song of Ice and Fire, she still clings to the name Aegon. Alicent thinks the king means their firstborn son when he talks about Aegon the Conqueror.

She says she doesn't understand.

He whispered "The prince."

What is the name of the prince Aegon?

Viserys mumbled, "To unite the realm against the cold and darkness." You are the one who knows it. It's you who is the one. This is something you must do. This is something you must do.

Alicent changed her face and told him she understood before leaving the room.

What does their final conversation mean?

It means that the peace between Alicent and Rhaenyra is over. Despite their truce at dinner, Alicent has always tried to put her family first, and in the king's final mumblings, she heard that her own son, Aegon, would unite the realm.

Alicent says in the trailer that Viserys wished for Aegon to be king.

The king and his wife were talking to each other. Viserys thought he was talking to his daughter and telling her he believed she was the one Aegon the Conqueror wanted to bring the Seven Kingdoms together.

The new House of the Dragon episodes can be seen on Sundays.