Deshaun can do what he wants after he returns to the facility. There is a time and a place for this.
The quarterback returned to the facility on Monday.
The personal conduct policy of the National Football League states that sexual assault on massage therapists is a violation of the policy. He can now work out at the team's facility while he is serving an 11-game suspension.
"We'll work through what we're allowed to do with him for the foreseeable future," said the coach after he spoke with the player. He is in the meeting rooms with our men. It's good for him and for us to have him with his teammates again.
There is no practice with the team until November 14. He won't be allowed to play again until the week of December 4th when the Houston Texans come to town.
The ban on contact with the coaches has been in place since August. He has been working out on his own.
He's in a good place. He worked hard and made sure he stayed on top of it. He needs to catch up in the meeting room.
After more than two dozen women accused him of sexual assault and inappropriate sexual conduct during massage sessions, the National Football League and the NFL Players Association reached a settlement. He had to undergo a mandatory treatment program.
The lawsuits against him were settled over the summer. Two other women didn't file lawsuits against him.
There were two grand juries in Texas that didn't indict him. Sue L. Robinson, who was appointed by the league and players' union, found that the NFL had to prove that Mr. Robinson concluded in her report that the behavior of the man was predatory andgregious.
People haven't been interested in listening to his side of the story because he's denied any wrongdoing.
He said after the settlement agreement that he wouldn't change his mind. I feel like a person has an opportunity to stand on his innocence and prove that, and we proved that from a legal side, and just going to continue to push forward as an individual and as a person.
The Texans received three first-round draft picks as a result of the trade with the Cleveland Indians. The richest contract in the history of the NFL was given by Cleveland toWatson.
The Cleveland Indians face the New England Pats on Sunday.