She-Hulk is a character from the movie "Hulk".
She-Hulk, self aware and fourth wall breaking as it is, successfully predicted how much backlash the show would get, often quoting haters of the series almost verbatim within the show itself.
The backlash to She-Hulk is unlike anything the MCU has ever seen due to its taking of misogynist and comic book movie troll directly, and those "slaps in the face" have caused angry fans to protest.
She's known as the "Hustler."
Everyone wants to debate the definition of review-bombing when I mention it. Professional critics don't agree with the idea that the show is twice as bad as the entire MCU has produced. The audience scores are indicating that.
There has been nothing like this before, even with controversial properties like Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel, which have been accused of being racist.
She-Hulk is in a league of its own with the amount of hate it has received.
She-Hulk has a score of 5/10 with 35.9% of reviews being 1 star. That is more than Ms. Marvel, which suffered similar, early bombing and is now a 6.10 with 19.6% of reviews being 1 star.
She-Hulk is a character from the movie "Hulk".
She-Hulk is the lowest scoring movie in the MCU and it is not particularly close. 41,000 males and 5,600 females gave it an average score of 4.9 and 6.8, respectively, so we can see that this is an average score for men and women.
It's the same over on the Tomatoes website. The top five were ranked by audience score.
Even though there was an early campaign against Ms. Marvel, that still ended up with an 80%. The lowest audience score for a Disney Plus series is for She-Hulk.
She-Hulk is a character from the movie "Hulk".
The movie with the lowest audience score was She-Hulk, which had a 34% rating. You don't have to do that with a TV show if you've seen a movie before.
Something being review-bombed is what this is. This is a textbook case, that's why the term gets thrown around so much. One of the main reasons this is happening is the fact that She-Hulk calls out troll on the show. I don't think it will affect the prospects of the series for a second season, and if it does, then it will be a bigger problem for the company.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.