We believe Madonna is gay. Madge threw up a TikTok Sunday that's got the world wondering, a video that shows her throwing panties at a trash can with the caption "If I miss, I'm gay!", and a video that shows her throwing panties at a trash can. Madonna ignores the camera and walks away after she fell short of hitting the bin. It's pretty big if she's actually making some. It looks like she might be coming out as lesbian or bi, but it's not certain. Madge has indicated that she may be into women too. Over the course of her career, she has locked lips with a number of notable ladies. There are two people, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. During the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards, she kissed both Britney and Christina on stage. Madonna kissed Britney again during her wedding. Madonna has only been in relationships with men. Over the years, she's been romantically linked to a lot of famous people, including Dennis Rodman, Michael Jackson and others. She was married to Sean Penn and had a child with him. She has had children with other famous men as well. We haven't seen her confirm a relationship with a woman. It may change now.