40 years ago, the Great American Beer Festival was founded.
There are beer festivals and then there is a beer festival. The largest beer festival in the world is also a serious beer competition with the nation's best breweries vying for one of the coveted gold, silver, and bronze medals.
The event is hosted by the Brewers Association and is celebrating its 40th birthday this year and the festival is back after two years away.
The number of beers entered in the competition went up to 9,904. There are over a hundred different beer styles judged this year. The highest number of entries is always in the American Style India Pale Ale category. For the first time, 18 of the 268 breweries walked away with a medical degree. 301 were the first to enter.
Here is the person who won.
Most of the time, the style is most evolved.
There were five winners of the most- entered categories.
There are 423 entries in this category, sponsored by Micro Matic.
The Comrade Brewing Co. is located in Denver, Colorado.
The Riip Beer Co. is located in Huntington Beach, California.
The North Park Beer Co. is located in San Diego, California.
The category is called "juicy or Hazy India Paleale".
Flatland Brewing Co. is in the state of California.
White Rock is located in Dallas, Texas.
The City Barrel Brewing Company is in Kansas City, Missouri.
The category was called German-Style Pilsener.
The Austin Beer Garden is located in Austin, Texas.
Von Ebert Brewery is located in Portland, OR.
The Shred Monk Brewery and Coffeehouse are located in Montana.
There are 204 entries in Category 81: German wheat beer.
Fat Head's Brewery and Saloon is in North Central Ohio.
Kristal Weizen is the owner of Bearded Tang Brewery.
Sand Lot Brewery is located in Denver, Colorado.
There are 207 entries in the category German-style Maerzen.
It's gold at the Mighty Squirrel Brewing Co.
Dry Dock Brewing Co. is located in North Dock.
The Great Dane Pub and Brewing Co. is located in downtown Madison, Wisconsin.
The North Park Beer Co. is in San Diego.
The English and New Zealand India Pale Ales are both gold. 61)
There is a beer called "Jiffy or Hazy Imperial India Paleale". It was 67.
There is an American-style India Pale Beer. It was 64.
There is a beer called Imperial India Paleale. It was 66.
There are94 entries in the COLLABORATION COMPETITION.
Templin Family Brewing is located in Salt Lake City.
Chicago Peaks Klsch is located in San Diego.
Guns Out For Grain Out is a novel by Pizza Port Ocean Beach.
There are 35 entrants in the Pro-AM competition.
It was sponsored by the Country Malt Group.
Randy Daniels and KC McKinney are members of the American Hellenic Association.
Mark Pennick is a member of the American Heart Association.
Eric Coffman is a member of the American Heart Association.
The full list can be found here.
There are 64 entries in the American wheat beer category.
White noise, berbrew, Montana, gold, and silver. Bronze: Agave Wheat, Breckenridge Brewery, Colorado.
There are 128 entries in the American Fruit Beer category.
Gold: Berry, Berry, Quite Contrary, Territorial Brewing Co.
There are 118 entries in the category of fruit wheat beer.
Bronze: Bear Bait, Schussboom Brewery, Reno, Nevada.
The field beer category has 80 entries.
Gold: Coconut Pie Face, Revision Brewing Co.
There are 77 entries in the pumpkin beer category.
The Night Owl is gold, the 5 Phantoms is silver, and the Molasses Pumpkin Mrzen is bronze.
There are 88 entries in the category of chili beer.
Bronze: Dosvidanya Mexican Chocolate, DESTIHL Brewery.
There are over 100 entries in the category ofHerb and Spice Beer.
The following beers are gold, silver, and bronze.
There are 48 entries in the chocolate beer category.
Bronze: Thicccest Nibs, Moksa Brewery, Rocklin, CA.
There are 84 entries in the coffee beer category.
Gold: Cafe Oro, Oro Brewing Co.
There are 76 entries in this category.
Gold: Super Tonic, Docent Brewing, San Juan Capistrano, CA.
There are 34 entries in the category of specialty beer.
Breakside I Purple You, Breakside Brewery - NW Slabtown, Portland, OR is gold.
There are 48 entries in this category.
The Old Man and Death is a bronze medal winner.
There are 74 entries in the category of honey beer.
Silver: The Beeginning, The Austin Beer Garden Brewing Co.
There are 67 entries in the non- alcohol beer category.
Gold: Just The Haze, Boston Beer Co.
There are 84 entries in the category of Session Beer or Belgian-style Table Beer.
Gold: The Big Friendly, Oklahoma City, OK Silver: Guillaume, Pizza Port Ocean Beach, San Diego, CA
There are 89 entries in this category.
The next chapter is gold, Original Pattern Brewing Co., Oakland, CA.
There are 70 entries in this category.
Bronze: Doppelsticke Altbier, Giant Jones Brewing Co.
There are 96 entries in this category.
Silver: Edgefield Coolship no. 5, Mc Menamins Brewery, Portland, OR.
There are 118 entries in this category.
The Precarious Beer Project is a gold and silver project.
There are 41 entries in this category.
Gold: Sugar Moon, Ossipee, NH Silver: Sun King Brewing - Indianapolis, IN Bronze: Shere Khan.
There are 59 entries in this category.
Gold: Feniks, Great Notion Brewing, Portland, OR.
There are 49 entries in this category.
Bronze: Gosefish Gose, Ghostfish Brewing Co.
There are 34 entries in this category.
Bronze: La Maison, Taxman Brewery, Bargersville, IN.
There are 25 entries in this category.
Little Beast Brewing, Clackamas, or Silver: Mirage, New Terrain Brewing Co., Golden, CO.
There are 184 entries in this category.
The gold is Razz Sour, Revelation Craft Brewing Co., Rehoboth Beach, DE and the silver is Sour Tangerine, Edmund's Oast Brewing Co., North Charleston, South Carolina.
There are 42 entries in this category.
Saison, Black Dog Brewing Co., Mooresville, IN is a bronze medal winner.
There are 61 entries in this category.
The Farmer's Reserve Plum is a gold, silver, and bronze beer.
There are 59 entries in the category wood- and barrel-aged beer.
Gold: Barrel-Aged Soft Skills, Jessup Farm Barrel House, Fort Collins, CO.
There are 133 entries in this category.
Bronze: 1314, Black Tooth Brewing Co., Sheridan, WY.
There are 170 entries in this category.
The 8th Anniversary Reserve, Grist House Craft Brewery, Pittsburgh, PA is gold.
There are 34 entries in the category wood- and barrel-Aged sour beer.
Gold: Apple Brandy Barrel Maker of Things, Little Fish Brewing Co., Athens, OH.
There are 93 entries in this category.
The Lost Abbey is located in San Marcos, California.
There are 64 entries in this category.
Bronze: Templin Family Granary KellerBier, Templin Family Brewery, Salt Lake City, UT.
The smoke beer category has 76 entries.
Smoke Follows Beauty, Blind Tiger Brewery & Restaurant is a gold medal winner.
There are 142 lager entries in this category.
Gold: Chuckanut Chuck Light, Chuckanut Brewery, Burlington,WA.
There are 135 entries in the category American-style lager.
Bronze: Precarious Beer Project - Precarious Beer Hall, Virginia.
There are 94 entries in this category.
Bronze: Las Vegas lager, Big Dog's Brewing Co.
There are 148 entries in this category.
Bronze: Bullpen, Atlas Beer Works, Washington, DC.
The category includes 123 entries.
Bronze: Holy Ghost, Laughing Monk Brewery, San Francisco, CA.
There are 69 entries for category 40: Australasian, Latin American or Tropical Light lager.
Mexican lager, pFriem Family Brewers, Hood River, OR is gold.
There are 115 entries in this category.
The 1970s lager was gold, and Carlos Danger was silver.
There are 97 entries in this category.
Bronze: Day Donkey, Tampa Bay Brewing Co.
There are 52 entries in this category.
Bronze: DDH Timbo, Highland Park Brewery- Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA.
The American amber lager was entered in this category.
The Colony, TX has gold, silver, and bronze beers.
There are 233 entries in this category.
The Austin Beer Garden is gold, Von Ebert is silver and Shred Monk is bronze.
There are 186 entries in this category.
The People's pilsner is gold, and the Pohick Bay pilsner is silver.
The category includes 158 entries.
Bronze: New Ridge Beer Co., Philadelphia, PA.
There are 154 entries in this category.
Bronze: Metalmark Marzen, Morgan Territory Brewing, Tracy, CA.
The category includes Vienna-style lager.
Gold, Big Ash Brewing, Cincinnati, OH, and silver, Secret Trail Brewing Co., Chico, CA.
There are 207 entries in this category.
There are two types of beer: gold and silver, and there are also two types of beer: bronze.
There are 146 entries in this category.
There are gold, silver, and bronze beers.
There are 86 entries in this category.
Gold: El Corn, The Post Brewing Co.
The category includes 55 entries.
Bronze: Bigbock Energy, Morgan Territory Brewing, Tracy, CA.
There are 47 entries in the German style doppelbock category.
Bronze: Danny Bru, Danny Boy Beer Works.
There are 159 entries in this category.
The Full Lemony, Pollyanna Brewing Co., Lemont, Illinois is a Bronze medal winner.
There are 195 entries in this category.
The Royal Oak Brewery is gold, the Kold Shoulder is silver, and the Hunting River is bronze.
There are 47 entries in the category Englishale.
The Level Line is from Topa Topa Brewing Co.
There are 136 entries in the international-style pale brew category.
Bronze: New Cleveland, Platform Beer Co.
There are 88 entries in the category of English India Pale Ale.
Gold: NZ-Fu!, North Park Beer Co., San Diego, CA.
There are 160 entries in this category.
Bronze: Pale From The Crypt, LiquidGravity Brewing Co., San Luis Obispo, CA.
There are 132 entries in this category.
Gold: Luminous Beings, Wye Hill Brewing.
There are 145 entries in this category.
Gold, Ghost Town Brewing, Oakland, CA, silver, Secret Beach, Meanwhile Brewing Co., Austin, TX, and bronze, Eyes are Mosaic, Casa Agria Specialty Beer.
There are 153 entries in this category.
Bronze: Green New Zelal, Armistice Brewing Co.
There are 423 entries in this category.
Bronze: Hop-Fu!, North Park Beer Co., San Diego, CA.
There are over 300 entries in the category of "Juvenile or Hazy India Pale Ale".
Gold: Anhyzer Kush, Flatland Brewing Co., Elk grove, CA. Silver: IPOIPA, White Rock Alehouse & Brewery, Dallas, TX.
There are 156 entries in this category.
Bronze: Double- Fu!, North Park Beer Co., San Diego, CA Category.
There is a beer called "juicy or Hazy Imperial India Paleale".
Gold: Pillow, Highland Park Brewery - Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA. Silver: X-Raying, North Park Beer Co., San Diego, CA.
There are 123 entries for American amber/ red brew.
The Argument starter is gold, the Railsplitter is silver, and the Frog King is bronze.
There are 54 entries in this category.
Bronze: FatHead's Brewery, Middleburg Heights, OH.
There are 68 entries in category 70.
Bronze: Every Hop Is Sacred, Hop River Brewing Co.
There are 65 entries in this category.
There are two types of beer: gold and silver.
There are 49 entries in the Scottish-style beer category.
Gold: Magic Swirling sip, Wild Fields Brewhouse, Atascadero, CA Silver: Laughing Lab Scottishale, Bristol Brewery, Colorado Springs, CO Bronze: Taildragger Clan-Destine, Saddle Mountain Brewing Co.
There are 80 entries for Irish-style red beer.
Bronze: Red Willie, Tradition Beer Co., Newport News, Virginia.
There are 61 entries in the English-style brown beer category.
Bronze: Three Beagles, Bagby Beer Co., Oceanside, CA.
There are 69 entries for American- style brown beer.
Bronze: Burnt Mountain Brown, Zion Brewery, Springdale, UT.
There are 62 entries in this category.
Bronze: The Riipper, Riip Beer Co., Huntington Beach, CA.
There are 33 entries in this category.
Gold: Kulshan Brewing Co.
There are 68 entries in this category.
Bronze: Coming to Fruition, Oregon City Brewing Co.
There are 82 entries in this category.
Bronze: Ginger Gose, Red Rock Brewery, Salt Lake City, UT.
There are 44 entries in the German-style altbier category.
Resonate Brewery + Pizzeria is gold, ControlALT is silver and Road Devil amber is bronze.
There are over 200 entries in this category.
Fat Head's Brewery & Saloon, North Olmsted, OH has a gold and silver medal.
There are 55 entries in the category Belgian- style beer or French- style beer.
Rouleur Brewing Co., Carlsbad, CA is gold, Goin' Stag is silver and Space Cadet is bronze.
There are 96 entries in this category.
Bronze: Third Window White, Third Window Brewing Co., Santa Barbara, CA.
There are 81 entries in this category.
Wee Nibble is gold, Saison is silver and Soigne Saison is bronze.
There are 66 entries in this category.
Bronze: Rosemary Sourdough Saison, Cannonball Creek Brewing Co., Golden, CO category.
There are 50 entries for the Belgian-style sour beer.
Gold: Stay The Funk In, Crooked Stave, Denver, CO.
There are 76 entries in this category.
Bronze: St. Vrain, Left Hand Brewing Co.
There are 88 entries in this category.
The Belgian Dubbel, Skipping Rock Beer Co., is gold.
There are 66 entries in this category.
Silver: Second Hand Lions, Platform Beer Co.
There are 56 entries in this category.
The Kulshan Brewing Co. is located in Bellingham, Washington. There is a bronze beer at the RYEman.
There are 73 entries in this category.
Gold: Powell Street Porter, Bartlett Hall, San Francisco, CA Silver: Porter, Big Timber Brewing Co., Elkins, WV
There are 69 entries in this category.
Bronze: Inside the Moon, Flix Brewery - Carmel, Carmel, IN.
There are 44 entries in this category.
The winner of the Milk jug was Guggman Haus, Indianapolis, IN.
There are 66 entries in this category of oatmeal stout.
Gold: Fat Pug, Maplewood Brewing Co., Chicago, Ill.
There are 73 entries in this category.
There are three levels of gold, silver and bronze.
There are 44 entries in this category.
Bronze: Kill or be Kilt, Quarter Celtic Brewpub, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
There are 70 entries in this category.
The production brewery is gold, the Granny's Tipple brewery is silver and the Olde Hickory brewery is bronze.
The category includes fresh hop beer.
Bronze: Fresh Hop Training Bins, Pinthouse Pizza North, Austin, Texas.
There are 35 entries in the pro-am competition.
The AHA members are Randy Daniels, KC McKinney, and Mark Pennick.
There were 94 entries in the collaboration competition.
Bronze: Guns Out for Grain Out, Pizza Port Ocean Beach.