The wealthiest man in the world, and among the most eccentric, had a strange week, with his net worth falling and his position on the conflict in Russia suddenly under scrutiny.

Germany Musk

On the one hand, it was a good week for Musk.

Associated Press

On Monday, Musk made waves over his proposal for peace in Ukraine, withterms more friendly to Russia than the White House or the Ukrainian government.

According to reports in the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, the sides remain at odds over certain details, and that Musk sought as steep as a 30% discount in order to get the deal done.

The judge presiding over the case against Musk pushed back the trial to October 17 if the parties don't close the deal by October 28.

Musk hit back at a Financial Times report that said the Starlink internet terminals provided to the Ukrainian army by Musk were experiencing issues on the battlefield.

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Musk's net worth fell this week due to his company's downfall. The second-wealthiest man in the world, Bernard Arnault, saw his wealth shrink to below $85 billion.

Key Background

Musk's takeover bid was accepted by the platform on April 25. Musk said it was very intense over the course of seven days, including the announcement of a prototype of a human-like robot at the company's Artificial Intelligence Day last Friday. Musk said late Tuesday that he may turn the micro-messaging service into a "super app," which could bring a variety of services into one app.

Crucial Quote

Ukrainian diplomat Andrij Melnyk replied to Musk's poll with a diplomatic response. Zelensky asked users if they liked Musk if he supported Russia or Ukraine.

Here's what it might look like if Musk's "everything app" turns into a real thing.

There is a proposal to end the war in Ukraine.

Musk offered to buy the company at its original price.