There are 80 moons ofSaturn.
The size of the gas giant's moons is compared in a new video to New York City.
Scientists believe Jupiter's natural satellites were formed from a massive disk of gas and debris.
While many of the gas giant's moons are small, the planet's four Galilean moons are much larger, ranging from a diameter of roughly 2,000 miles in the case of Europa to 3,270 miles in the case of Ganymede.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the origin of these moons. Scientists believe that the tiny satellite is covered in ice with a huge ocean beneath it. It's one of the most intriguing targets in our search for extraterrestrial life.
While the video only shows animated versions of Jupiter's moons, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope recently got a real-life look at the planet.
Jupiter became the planet with the most moons in the solar system when 20 additional moons were found around it.
We can't wait to see the results of the upcoming NASA mission, which will give us a new look at Jupiter's fascinating satellites.
There is a picture of Jupiter that can be seen on the moon.