While floating hundreds of miles above the Earth on board the International Space Station, a NASA Astronaut spotted something incredible: the deluge from Hurricane Ian, which has been battering the Southwest ever since it made landfall late last month.

The water was dumped by the Category 4 storm as it made its way back off the land and into the Gulf of Mexico.

The silt and dirt that once was Florida's soil as it washes away into the gulf is a demonstration of the powerful forces of nature.

This picture shows how the Florida peninsula is shedding all the water #HurricanIan dumped on it. This was taken approx 2 days after it made landfall. Ian sure churned up the waters of the Gulf of Mexico! pic.twitter.com/FA10OFDFS9

— Bob “Farmer” Hines (@Astro_FarmerBob) October 5, 2022

Flash Flood

It's not surprising that all that Florida dirt got washed into the sea, as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted, more than 3,500 square miles of the sunshine State, or about five percent of the whole peninsula, was covered by ten or more inches of rain during the mega- storm

Ian is one of the biggest storms to hit the US recently. In terms of rain coverage, Hurricane Harvey was the only one to top its single day coverage.


One shot that saw through the eye of the storm as it made landfall over the entire Florida peninsula was taken by Hines.

The image of the mega-storm from above showed how powerful it was at its most violent point.

This storm is HUGE! That’s the Mississippi River and New Orleans on the left. It covers the entire Florida peninsula! We could see through the eye just as it was making landfall. Praying for the safety of everyone dealing with #HurricaneIan. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/sZZE9gugea

— Bob “Farmer” Hines (@Astro_FarmerBob) September 28, 2022

This may be one of the most-photographed hurricanes of all time.

It will be easier to study and track these storms as we know more about them.

There is more storm-chasing to be done, we must respect this man.