There are rings of power.
I can see how Galadriel could survive a Mount Doom explosion. I have a hard time understanding how everyone else survived the volcanic blast. It's obvious that they're going toSPOILERS.
The majority of the Southlanders did not die. So did most of the Nmenorean other than Isildur. Unfortunately, Scowly did not survive. The willful horse, Berek, and the horse-whispering father, Elendil, were also present.
Two groups set out from the smoking ruins to find safety in the Nmenorean camp that they never bothered to show us. Nmenor knows how to pack a lot of stuff into a small space.
Galadriel and Theo are now fast friends in a perilous apocalypse of ash and fire.
There is a video review of this episode.
The Rube Goldberg machine Mount Doom blew up, killing Isildur's friend. Everyone else did not suffer any damage. Some extras were wounded, Miriel was blinded, and Halbrand received a nasty wound that requiresvish healing, which is more fun than you might think.
It makes sense that Celeborn is dead in the Lord of the Rings. The loss of her husband in the war against Morgoth to Theo is revealed by Galadriel. Galadriel asks Celeborn, "You dancing?" Theo doesn't like the fact that she chided him for his poor armor before he went to war. She says the last time she saw him was that day. It is not clear how long ago that would have been. The first age is over. It's been a long time.
Galadriel is a widow in this version even though Celeborn is alive in The Lord of the Rings. I believe that Celeborn is alive and well and that the show will bring him back to life. They are setting up an awkward love triangle between Galadriel, Halbrand and Celeborn, with Halbrand as Sauron, trying to reform, but eventually turning to the dark side when Galadriel spurns him.
They make their way to a camp that the Nmenoreans set off offscreen.
The servants and cooks that were missing last week were found by Galadriel and Theo. They sailed three ships from Nmenor with a lot of people, tents, tables, chairs, and horses on them. The point is not to belabor it.
Miriel is blindfolded. Galadriel apologized to her and Elendil. Elendil is angry and wants Miriel to leave immediately. Miriel felt like she had been blind her entire life.
She doesn't want you to spare her pity. They don't know what they've begun, so save it for them.
Nmenor will face the enemy again. Galadriel said that the elves would be ready. Miriel says they sailed with the tide even though they were wounded with missing legs.
The Nmenoreans sailed all the way back after a single fight.
Elendil is not a good place to live. He told Berek to please, but the horse wouldn't listen. Isildur threw that apple in the sea and he wants revenge. They let him return to the woods. Elendil said he should never have brought the elf with him. I should have left her in the water.
Galadriel rushed to Halbrand's side after learning that he was badly wounded. She told him she thought he had died. He thinks it would be better if he had done it. Galadriel has been celibate since the death of Celeborn in the First Age.
Halbrand told her she wouldn't condemn the lands to burn. The villagers chant "Strength to the king!" even though they didn't know they had a king a week before.
One filthy-digger said they thought they were an autonomously collective.
The strength to the south is there. Theo waved the elvish blade that Galadriel gave him, but he didn't remember how bad things were last time he had a sword.
Markella Kavenagh is a member of the Brandyfoot family.
The Harfoots were dismayed when they found out that a lava rock had burned their land to the ground. There are stories of mountains exploding when a great evil comes back. I guess this works as a Harfoot superstition, but it is just another piece of fantasy gobbledygook that makes this episode feel more melodrama than anything.
The wizard gives the heal to the burned area, but hasn't learned how to do magic without being really scary. A branch broke on a burned tree and almost hit a child. The Harfoots reach their limit between that and his frightening speech. Even though he saved them from wolves. Unless you do anything offensive, you are out of a job. The stranger was kicked out and sent off to live in this strange land.
The burned landscape has been replaced by growing things and fruit-filled trees. Everyone is very happy and excited but no one thinks to go after the stranger and bring him back to life. It would appear that the Harfoots are cruel.
There are three witches in this picture.
There are witches.
It isn't normal. I realized that I didn't notice the other two witches while watching them. The middle witch is scary. The others are not very interesting to look at.
Nori tried to get the witches off the scent of the stranger. Largo waved his torch in defiance as he rushed up. The head witch has a torch. The Harfoot caravan caught fire after she blew the sparks out of her fist.
The Harfoots are on a roller coaster here, having their destination burnt to the ground, only to have it miraculously restored, only to have everything on fire again.
Largo spoke about the values of the Harfoots. We don't kill dragons. Not a lot for digging. We can do better than the creatures in Middle-earth. We don't change who we are no matter how steep the path gets. Our hearts are larger than our feet. We just walk.
The Harfoot custom of leaving people behind is admonished by this. It is not a description of how the Harfoots are. The orcs are the most cruel culture in Middle-earth.
Nori said she was going to find her friend to warn him of what was about to happen. "We aren't leaving him, we've left enough folk behind." Malva persuades Burrows to lead the group. We might get a proper adventure in this show.
The Dwarves and Elrond.
At one point, my favorite part of the show was its storyline. Durin, who was always the same Durin reincarnated for each of his separate reigns as king, was changed into two characters in order to create more confusion. The writers of this show like to make their characters argue. There weren't many scenes between Elendil and Isildur that didn't involve squabbling. It is with Durin Jr.
The king is a terrible dwarf. The elven people will either die or have to flee to Valinor in order to survive because of the enormity of the changes to Mithril. The show's creators have invented it in order to create tension and urgency, but none of this is actually true to the source material. The intent is clear, but it doesn't work in the least.
Durin doesn't care about elves. It wasn't even a small amount. He told Elrond to pound the dirt and when Durin tried to dig for the gold behind his father's back, he was disinhersed. Argue and argue. When the characters in this show don't regale one another with exposition, we argue and argue.
During yelled at his father, who ripped his son's crest from his neck, and threw it to the ground. His dad told him to leave it when he went to pick it up. It's no longer yours. It doesn't feel like Lord of the Rings to me, but what does it matter?
Disa tells her husband that one day, all of this will be theirs to control. She says that one day they will dig.
Durin had to dig through one last stone wall in order to reveal the Mithril, which is strange. He can do it all by himself. When you think about it, it's silly. Durin IV throws a leaf through the hole and tells his people to seal it up but they don't. There is no reason for Durin IV to refuse to mine when it is near.
Elrond is thrown out of Khazad-dm, but still has a small piece of Mithril with him. If The Rings of Power ever gets to the ring business, we will see it used to forge the rings.
The Mithril plot is terrible because it makes the dwarfs cruel. It felt melodramatic to the point of being maudlin. I like Durin, and the scene about Elrond only being winded during their rock-breaking contest was great, but the amount of crying and blubbering he does in this episode is ridiculous.
Adar is walking among his men and orcs. It was Adar who said, "Hail Adar, lord of theSouthlands!" Waldreg got onto the dark elf and became his number one lackey. Along with him, the orcs chant. There are lots of people chanting.
Adar says that it's a place that doesn't exist anymore. Mlord, what should we call it?
Adar looks at the volcano and doesn't reply.
What is it going to be called? What's the name of the person? What's the name of the person? Do you mean butterbur? We will have to wait and see.
Another terrible episode of The Rings of Power has been aired. I don't think I can fit my disdain for this "creative decision" into this post. I might have to write a second one because I don't have enough space to breathe.
The Melodrama In The Mines storyline is stupid and creates conflict between characters that have no place in the story. For hundreds of years, Mithril was traded from one race to another. Other places where it was found were the Southlands and Nmenor.
I'm not sure if the Nmenoreans already have a Pelargir. The crunching down of the timelines means we have no bearing on when something really is, but the impression I got was that the island realm hadn't really done much in Middle-earth yet, but they already have a major port city. They might drop off the sick and wounded there instead of taking them to the sea.
The shoddy worldbuilding in this series is partly bad because of the issues with the timelines and partly because we don't get a sense of scale or distance.
I have soured so much on the little folk and their cruel customs that I am not really interested in their fate. The show seems to want to keep the character in a state of stasis and drag out his mystery as long as possible.
This show is an example of how badly Amazon has spent its money, taking a huge gamble on inexperienced showrunners who had no previous experience with television. What a terrible event.
Let me know what you think on social media. Thanks for taking the time to read.
This is an update.
The final scene of The Southlands had the words on the screen spelled out for us like we were idiots. I missed this because I thought it was just credits and was quickly turning it off to make up for lost time.
Wow! I don't have anything to say. This was a good idea. They have a job.
I want to cry.
Is it really true that you are kidding me?
There are previous reviews and commentary.