Herschel Walker has made hardline anti-abortion rhetoric central to his campaign. He believes that all abortions are murder and should be illegal in cases of rape or incest. He has said at least one time that those are just excuses.

Walker told The New York Times that there was no exception. I think in life. I believe in the existence of the universe.

The National Right to Life organization endorsed Walker because he will be a most effective champion for unborn babies and their mothers.

Walker's ex-girlfriend claims that he paid for her to have an abortion. We mean it when we say she has receipts. A woman showed up with witnesses, a check from the football star, and a card with his signature on it.

As it should, drama has arisen. It's hypocritical of someone to bolster their Senate bid with the promise of robbing women of their right to choose, and then to cover up that they fully supported their partner's abortion.

"This man obviously just sucks and be on our way." Walker's alleged hypocrisy speaks to the depth and importance of abortion's politics, and with that its separation from truth, science, and utility.

abortion is healthcare Trigger-law abortion bans are already causing unnecessary breakdowns, trauma, and both expected and unexpected crises within the public health system. A 10-year-old rape victim had to travel across state lines for an abortion because she was pregnant with a doomed fetus. Patients are struggling to deal with a confused, chaotic post-Roe healthcare reality as pharmacy are limiting needed medicines.

The would-be senator's story makes it clear that the issue of abortion is mostly about the rhetoric. It's a public health breakdown when extremists compete to see who creates the most hysteria.

It is okay for a woman to kill her baby when God says 'Thou shall not kill'. At a conservative Christian values roundtable this August, Walker said that he couldn't square it. I can't escape that.

It's not clear whether the former athlete's PR nightmare will keep him off the Senate floor. No one could say it better than Walker's former partner.

The woman told the Daily Beast that she can no longer tolerate hypocrisy. All of us deserve better.

It's correct. Yes, we do.

Herschel Walker paid for his girlfriend's abortion.