A program wrote an opinion piece for The Guardian. The artificial intelligence, called GPT 3, is a large language model developed by Openai and it posed a bold question in the headline of its machine-generated text. Are you scared?
It is not a good time to be a writer. Microsoft laid off journalists to make way for a writing artificial intelligence. As the models get better, researchers claim that text will be indistinguishable from a person's.
The rise of artificial intelligence was investigated by our research team. We tried to understand the expectations of human writers when it comes to using artificial intelligence.
We used a design fiction approach to interview people. The writers were shown speculative designs. They were asked how co-writing with an artificial intelligence would change their writing practices.
Writers want their artificial intelligence to respect their personal values. Personal values are emotional and productive.
The act of writing is referred to as a "labor of love" by conscientious objectors. If advanced writing technology displaced what it means to be a writer, hobby writers wouldn't use it.
Three different types of emotional values were attributed to the writers. Some writers were worried that co-writing with an artificial intelligence meant that the text wouldn't be their own, so they wanted to claim ownership over the words they wrote. A sense of integrity was attributed to the act of writing by other writers. The process of turning their ideas into words was enjoyable for others.
Writing was a way of living for professional writers. They were willing to use artificial intelligence and assign parts of their job to robot writers if it made them more prolific. The professional writers had a plan to use artificial intelligence as a ghostwriter. Professional writers were willing to compromise in order to get more work done.
Some writers thought that Artificial Intelligence would do a good job in simple writing tasks. They didn't have much faith in Artificial Intelligence's ability to plan a narrative flow and set up the background of key characters in a story
When presented with other speculative scenarios, writers would only agree to work on writing tasks if they are confident in their own abilities.
An ideal writing tool should be aware of the boundaries of human writers and adjust the level of intervention and writing style accordingly, according to our study.
Writing with artificial intelligence can give writers time for creativity. Humans would still be involved in our creative endeavors.
The University of British Columbia's computer science assistant professor is the author of this article. The original article is worth a read.