Eating earlier in the day could be good for you, and eating all of your meals within a 10-hour window could be better.
This latest research on eating has something to say about it. Try to limit your meals to less than 10 hours a day.
There is a reason to eat earlier. The study found that people who ate meals four hours later in the day were more hungry, burned calories at a slower rate and had body changes that promoted fat growth. The research was published in a peer reviewed journal.
The study asked if the time that we eat mattered when everything else was consistent. Eating four hours later makes a difference for our hunger levels, the way we burn calories, and the way we store fat.
16 overweight patients ate the same meals on two different schedules, one with meals earlier in the day and the other four hours later in the day, according to researchers. The early group might eat at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 5 p.m., while the other group eats at 1 p.m., 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
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The participants recorded their appetite and hunger. Blood samples, levels of body temperature and energy expenditure were collected by researchers.
It was found that late eating doubled the chance of being hungry. The study participants had lower leptin levels when they ate later in the day.
Fat growth was suggested by genetic tests. The study found that eating late resulted in less calories being burned.
The purpose of the study was to find out why late eating increases the risk of being obese.
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The study was designed to look at the effects eating schedules have on the body. Researchers would like to expand on the findings.
The impact of late eating was shown in the study. In real life, many of these factors may be influenced by meal timing.
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According to a study published in Cell Metabolism last month, if you try to eat earlier in the day, your biggest meal may not be so important. There are two four-week diet plans, one with 45% of the day's calories in the morning and the other with 45% of the day's calories in the evening.
People who had a big breakfast and small dinner were expected to burn more calories and lose more weight than people who didn't. They followed the two meal patterns and didn't find any differences.
People who followed the morning diet reported less hunger pains. One of the study's authors, a nutrition professor at the University of Aberdeen's Rowett Institute, said that appetite control is important to achieving weight loss.
Satchidananda Panda is a professor in the regulatory biology laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California.
He was one of the authors of a study on time-restricted eating, which was published this week.
The study suggests that you should look at your meal schedule and how close you are to each other.
Researchers found that firefighters who ate all of their meals within 10 hours had lower levels of bad cholesterol, better mental health, and reduced alcohol intake.
They said that subjects with elevated blood sugar and blood pressure levels saw improvements.
The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department firefighters who were encouraged to follow a Mediterranean diet were tracked by researchers at the University of California, San Diego. Half of the meals were eaten within a 10-hour window and the other half within a 14-hour window.
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Shift workers with high blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol can benefit from a lifestyle intervention called time-restricted eating. It's not a pill, but a healthy habit that can significantly reduce these three risks of disease.
According to Panda, participants picked any 10-hour window with breakfast within two or more hours after waking and dinner three hours or more before going to bed. Breakfast was 8 to 10 a.m., lunch was noon to 1 p.m., and dinner was 6 to 8 p.m.
The general public can try to choose a 10-hour window that will fit with their lifestyles for at least 6-7 days a week.
He said to eat a bigger breakfast, a small lunch, and a healthy dinner. They are likely to reduce their evening alcohol and dessert intake if they choose a window that ends before 8 p.m.
There are some things that can't be done. People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, expecting mothers, and people taking prescription medications should consult with their doctors before making any changes to their diet.
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The original article was on USA TODAY. Research shows that earlier is better.