The UK has warned that butterfly spotting is low and continues to decline.
13 years have passed since the Big Butterfly Count began.
This year's warm summer is expected to result in better figures for the charity, but it's worried that more weren't seen.
One of the UK's largest citizen-science projects received almost 100,000 butterfly counts.
Dr Richard Fox is the head of science at the organisation.
He said that butterflies will not be seen unless there is habitat for them to thrive in.
The Big Butterfly Count is supported by many famous people.
People are asked to record the number and types of butterflies they see in gardens, parks and in the countryside during July and August.
Scientists can use the results to figure out how environmental changes affect butterflies.
holly, flowering ivy, elms and nettles should be grown in Britons' gardens to create habitats for butterflies.
The Holly Blue, which had only occasionally been recorded in Scotland prior to the 2000s, is one of the success stories this year.
The Holly Blue has increased in size by 120% compared to last year.
This year's warm summer is thought to have led to an increase in the number of other species.
The Comma, a species that is often found in gardens, has seen a significant increase this year.
One of the best summers in 150 years was enjoyed by the Large Blue.
Scientists say the success story shows how species can be saved.
The Comma, a species that is often found in gardens, has seen a significant increase this year.