ChrisPratt said his upcoming role as Mario was unlike anything he had heard before. Charles Martinet has voiced both Mario and Luigi since 1992.

Fans have been puzzled for months over how Chris Pratt would tackle the Italian-accented plumbers in a movie. The first trailer for the movie was dropped by Nintendo.

This is a place. As he looks at a mushroom-filled field, Mario wonders aloud, "Anything from a dinosaur park to the most godforsaken bathroom at a concert with his tone?" We hear him say, "Mushroom Kingdom, here we come!" in what may be his actual Mario accent, which is kind of a parody of your local Brooklyninte.

The content can be seen on the site it came from.

The purpose of the trailer was to listen to Mario's voice reveal. Nintendo has been hyping fans up since it was announced that Chris Pratt would voice a character in the game. "I worked closely with the directors and tried out a few things and landed on something that I'm really proud of and can't wait for people to see and hear" In a film where everyone else has at least a little bit of humor to their voices, it's just Chris Pratt.

The sheer absurdity, the absolute troll of this reveal, is the funniest result of this week. After an hour and a half in surround sound, Mario may not be as charming as he was in the beginning.

The good news is that Black sounded menacing for the king. Prepare yourself for the Charlie Day–voiced screamer of Luigi that is still to come, as we saw at the end of the trailer.