If a passenger has traveled to Uganda within three weeks prior to their arrival in the US, they will be screened for the disease.
According to the World Health Organization, Uganda has an outbreak of the disease with 63 confirmed and probable cases. There have been no reported cases of the disease in the US.
U.S. health officials say the CDC is working with Uganda's health ministry and the WHO to respond to the outbreak.
Passengers who have been in Uganda within 21 days of arriving in the U.S. will be sent to one of five airports.
Passengers arriving from Uganda at those airports will be subjected to temperature checks. The official said that airlines would send passenger information to the CDC. The contact information will be sent to the state health departments.
The health screenings are based on what happened after the outbreak of the disease. It can take anywhere from two to 21 days after exposure to see if a person has the virus. It can take up to 10 days for symptoms to show up.
Uganda is fighting an outbreak of the deadly disease. It can be spread by direct contact with body fluids of a person who has fallen ill with the virus or died from it. The health agency said that the disease doesn't spread through the air.
There are a number of symptoms, including unexplained hemorrhaging, bleeding or bruised, fever, severe headaches, muscle and joint pain, and stomach pain. Red eyes, skin rash, and hiccups are some of the more common symptoms.
There isn't a vaccine licensed by the FDA to protect against Sudan ebolaviruses. According to the CDC, the vaccine won't protect against the Sudan strain. The FDA has no approved treatment for Sudan ebola.
Health-care providers should be on the lookout for patients who are suspected of having the disease, according to the CDC. For people who have traveled to Uganda where there is an outbreak of the disease, a detailed travel history should be obtained by physicians.
The virus has been found in Uganda.