Russian researchers think we could send a lot of satellites into space to show commercials in the night sky.
Astronomers are already struggling with highly reflective satellite constellations ruining their observations, and anyone who appreciates an unimpeded view of the night sky is bound to be annoyed by it.
In a new paper published in the journal Aerospace, researchers from the Moscow-based technical institute Skoltech and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology concluded that sending a formation of satellites into orbit to display commercials above population centers could not only be feasible, but also cost a mere $65 million per
"We've been studying some of the more technical aspects of space advertising for a while now," said first author Shamil Biktimirov. "This time we looked at the economic side of things and we found that space advertising based on 50 or more small satellites flying in formation could be economically viable."
The space billboard would have to be big enough to reflect enough light to be financially viable.
The area of LightSail 2 is the largest solar sail to have ever been sent to space.
Biktimirov and his colleagues calculated that revenues would be dependent on a number of factors, including cloudy, cold weather keeping people indoors and the city's demographic composition.
The satellites wouldn't be displaying a single ad from a single brand, rotating through a number of different ads over the next most profitable city.
The approach has a downside. Since the satellites work by reflecting sunlight, they can't be seen at night.
The researchers think that this could stop the satellites from messing with the observations of the night sky.
A 91 day campaign could bring in $111 million after expenses.
Would brands be willing to use their slogans to litter the sky? Past efforts are not a given.
Russian startup StartRocket suggested displaying large billboards in the night sky.
The leader of the project said that they are ruled by brands. The Super Bowl, Coca Cola, the Olympics, Mercedes and the Mexican wall are some of the things that have been mentioned. The economy is the main source of income for society.
The beverage maker dropped any plans to pursue a venture with StartRocket after they signed a contract to send a billboard into space.
The University of Michigan astronomer Patrick Seitzer said that the idea of sending microsatellites into space to have them display advertisements has been controversial, with the astronomer suggesting for a night sky that is free of this kind of activity and remains as accessible to all humans as possible.
It's likely that advertisers won't be willing to be associated with such a practice.
Colas plans to use cubesats to project a giant ad in the night sky.