"YOU ARE LYING AND ARE LIARS YALL BASICALLY KIDNAPPED Chicago on her birthday so she could remember her father not being there", wrote the rapper. I should see my children 100 percent of the time but since there's a separation it should have been 50% of the time. She told him to leave Kim and their family alone as he tried to defend himself against his mistakes. He tried to shift the blame for wearing a "White Lives Matter" shirt onto himself. Ye claimed that Kim held a birthday party for their daughter almost a full year after she filed for divorce. Sources close to Kim told us that last minute he wanted to attend Kim's party because he was going to throw his own. I love you. I don't want to do this on social media, but you keep bringing it here You are the father of my nieces and nephews and I am trying to be respectful, but please don't use our family when you want to talk about something else. The birthday narrative has been repeated. Enough is enough. Everyone knows the truth and is tired of it. You know where your children are all the time, and you want separate birthdays. I have seen all of the text messages. You came when you changed your mind about attending. In a recent interview,Kanye admitted that it was Kim raising their kids and that he needed to work harder to calm her down. She is the one who takes care of your kids 80% of the time. The kids can be raised peacefully if the family is left out. Since Monday, when he wore the shirt, he's taken a lot of heat. He's brought a lot of controversy over the years, including when he said slavery was a choice in the office of the celebrity gossip website. The story was originally published at 8:56 AM.