Everything changed when I was in gaming. My priorities shifted after I spent most of my twenties marathoning titles for hours on end. Even if I still hear the call of the console, I can't binge- play. Moderation is important, but it's difficult to get rid of gaming habits. It was until The Legend of Hyrule: Breath of the Wild.

There has been a lot of change since this game was released. I have a toddler and my gaming time is limited to 15 minutes or a half-hour and Breath is the kind of game players get lost in for hours. In anticipation of the game's sequel, a replay was needed. I wanted to find a way to make a big game fit into my time. There is a trick. The goal is set. Every time I pick up the controller, I make sure there is a specific task to be accomplished. It's as satisfying as getting lost, but more comfortable in the time I have.

I was concerned that this method wouldn't work. I abandoned Breath before going to Dueling Peaks Stable because I didn't have enough time to fully immerse myself. By giving myself a clearly marked to-do list, I can easily tap out. I play games in a different way now.

I might tackle a Divine Beast when I have a few hours to play. When I have 15 minutes, I might be able to find five Hyrule Bass to upgrade some armor or explore the top of a mountain. There is always something happening in Breath of the Wild and I allow myself to get lost. If I know I don't have time to fully explore something, I just mark it on the map and keep playing.

It might be the opposite of what Breath's designers intended, as it is a weirdly systematic way to play such an open game. With the time that I have, it works for me. Even when I play it in blocks of time, I enjoy it so much.

I might be able to finish it.