The best time to view the shower is after dark.

The Hunter's Full Moon on October 9 will cause poor viewing conditions for the Draconids.

Earth passes through debris left behind by comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner as it hurtles through the solar system and causes the Draconids. The comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner last reached perihelion, or the point in its elliptical path at which it is closest to the sun. Just a few minutes after it made its closest approach.

There are dates and viewing advice in the guide.

profile picture Daisy Dobrijevic

The showers of old, when the Draconids produced some of the most impressive meteorites of the 20th century, have not been seen in recent years. According to the U.K. meteor network, thousands of meteorites were seen every hour.

Only when the Earth passes just inside the path of the comet will outbursts like those occur.

The comet 21 P/Giacobini-Zinner was discovered by French astronomerMichel Giacobini.

Where can you see the Draconid meteor shower?

A graphic showing the Draconid meteors radiating from a point of sky in the constellation Draco, the dragon.

This sky map shows the Draconid meteor shower's radiant, or the point from which the meteors seem to originate. (Image credit: Starry Night Software)
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The constellation from which the meteorites appear to originate is named after the shower. The dragons appear to come from the direction of the constellation.

Even though it's the eighth- largest constellation, it's not particularly noticeable. The constellation snakes its way through the northern sky and is named after the Latin word "draco."

The constellation is called the Draco constellation.

ascension takes 17 hours.

The temperature is 65 degrees.

It is visible between latitudes 90 and 15 degrees.

Lean back and enjoy the view of the Draconids meteor shower. The secret is to take in as much sky as you can and allow about 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark.

If you want to learn more about how to photograph the Draconids, you should check out our guide on how to photograph meteors and the best cameras for astronomy.

Infographic with a ref flashlight, woolly hat, flask and a deck chair.

A red flashlight, warm clothing, hot drink and a comfortable chair come in very useful during a night of meteor-hunting.  (Image credit: Future)
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When is the best time to view the Draconid meteor shower?

The best time to see the Draconids is in the evening during the shower peak.

Although peak viewing days are usually your best chance to see the sky filled with bright streaking meteors, you may still be able to catch the occasional Draconid between October 6 and October 10.

What causes the Draconid meteor shower?

Landscape photograph of night sky with streaking meteors against a background of stars.

This long-exposure image taken by Jesper Grønne in Denmark shows Draconid meteors streaking through the sky in October 2011. The Draconids were unusually active that year. (Image credit: Jesper Grønne)
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The comet P/Giacobini-Zinner is to blame for this shower. The comet was discovered in 1900. According to NASA Science, the observation was made on October 23, 1913.

The comet is small and takes about six years to travel around the sun.

The nucleus of the "dirty snowball" falls into a debris stream when it comes back to the inner solar system. As comet crumbs enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up in bright flashes of light, they streak across the sky.

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner has a website where you can learn more. See if the Draconids will be visible from your location with time anddate.

If you snap an amazing photo of a Draconid meteor or any other night-sky sight and you would like to share it with for a story or image gallery, send images, comments and location information to space


The Draconid meteor shower will occur in the year 2022. The UK's meteorite network. There is a new tab on the

There is a meteor shower in the United Kingdom. The Royal Museums are located in the area. The story is titled "draconid-meteor-shower-2022-when-where-see-it-uk".

There is a space agency called NASA. The year ended on December 19th. Giacobini-Zinner. There is a space agency called NASA. Asteroids-comets-and-meteors/comets-21p-giacobini-zinner was added to the website.