Delta's CEO called for a national no fly list for unruly behavior and acted poorly on one airline be unable to fly any airline. There are no standards for being placed on that list. The Biden administration toyed with it.

Dutch airlines want this to be an international system and will share unruly passenger behavior. Since Transavia is owned by Air France, sharing data with itself makes sense.

The idea of eliminating the right to travel based on non-judicial proceedings is insane. They would like to see this extended across Europe and the world.

In time, such efforts should focus on developing a set of international rules and on harmonisation. After all, the issue of unacceptable passenger behaviour transcends airlines and national borders and is critical to improving safety in the air. Unfortunately, legislation is lacking in many countries or the regulations are so fragmented that it is impossible to share data in a manner that promotes flight safety.

Substance abuse or mental illness are the underlying causes of behavior. It would be simpler to push for harsher penalties if the goal was deterrence. It's better to prosecute bad behavior than it is to subvert the judicial system.

  • Who gets to add people to this list? Would a Chinese state airline be able to add passengers to the ‘unruly’ list, banning them from travel even though they’re outside the country already? This extends China’s social credit system to dissidents around the world.
  • What standards would be applied in adding someone to the list? If a passenger on a Thai Airways domestic flight insulted Thailand’s king, pointing out that he’d spent much of his time during the pandemic in Germany with his harem, would that justify banning that passenger from U.S. domestic travel?

    When banning passengers, American Airlines and Delta apply different standards. The standards of Air Koryo and KLM aren't compatible.

  • How would mistakes and abuses be addressed? U.S. terrorism watch lists have had people added by mistake, an FBI agent checking the wrong box on a form, and some people have names that are similar to those intended as targets. The process of redress is opaque, there are redress numbers but not everyone can get one (when they aren’t even told why they’re on the list) and it often takes extensive court proceedings before the federal government backs off rather than subjecting itself to judicial review. But what if the passenger was added to a list in Kyrgyzstan? Whom do you even appeal to?

Data sharing is one thing, announcing that a passenger was added to a no fly list for a specific behavior, allowing other airlines to make their own decisions and hold airlines liable for mistakes. That would make airlines hesitant to act on the basis of a list.

After a judicial proceeding where a specific crime is declared to risk this punishment explicitly and in advance, and for that punishment to extend extra-territorially only by explicit treaty, the right to travel by air should be taken away.

Extending the ability to limit the civil rights of people around the world to Ariana Afghan Airlines is the definition of insane.


Delta CEO Ed Bastian wants the U.S. Attorney General to place unruly passengers on a terrorist list. Ed Bastian should be contacted if you are concerned with civil liberties.

In airlines.

Private businesses should be able to choose not to transport people they want. Private action shouldn't be seen as state action. The FAA threatened that airlines had a week to come up with a plan.

In airlines.

Delta proposed in September that masks should be banned from all airlines. Each airline has its own standards for adding passengers. The CEO of American Airlines pointed that out.

"Passengers" is a movie.