Florida is facing some of the most severe consequences of climate change, thanks to Hurricane Ian. The state's top elected leaders oppose federal spending to help fortify states against and recover from climate disasters, as well as efforts to confront their underlying cause: the burning of fossil fuels.

The bipartisan infrastructure law devotes some $50 billion to help states better prepare for events like Ian, but the senators said it was wasteful. In August, they joined their fellow Republicans in the Senate to vote against a new climate law, which invests $369 billion in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The governor has blocked the pension fund from taking climate change into account when making investment decisions.

The leaders want federal help to rebuild their state, but don't want to discuss the underlying problem that is making hurricanes more powerful and destructive.

From left, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis, and two senators, Rick Scott and Marco Rubio, in 2019.Credit...Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

As Hurricane Ian approached Florida's coast, the storm grew in intensity because it passed over ocean water that was two to three degrees warmer than normal. The water off the coast southwest of Florida has risen more than seven inches since 1965, making its destructive power even worse. According to a study released last week, the amount of rain that Ian dropped on Florida increased by at least 10 percent due to warmer air.

The senator secured millions of dollars to restore the Everglades and repair coral reefs to protect them from storms. One of his House colleagues has won a lot of money in the fight against climate change.

None of the top Republicans in the state support legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Florida could be a leader in renewable energy due to its sun and offshore wind. Natural gas is burned to produce electricity.

To not admit that climate change is real and we need to address it is a harm for the future for Florida and the nation, according to Charlie Crist, a former Republican Florida governor who won a House seat as a Democrat.

Climate change has had an impact on Florida before. The rising ocean causes streets and sidewalks in Miami to flood during high tide. In the Florida Keys, officials are looking at ways to raise roadbeds.

The state's leaders have resisted what scientists say is needed to stave off a catastrophic future: an aggressive pivot away from gas, oil and coal.

Attempts to reverse engineer the U.S. economy to absolve our past climate sins will fail. Even the most aggressive plan would not improve the lives of people in Florida.

A damaged gas station remained open in Fort Myers.Credit...Jason Andrew for The New York Times

The cost of attacking climate change is too great according to Mr. Scott, the former governor of Florida.

The impacts of climate change need to be addressed, according to Mr. Scott. We need to do it in a fiscally responsible way. We can't put people out of work.

It is estimated that Hurricane Ian will cost tens of billions of dollars to hit Florida.

The country's largest single investment in measures designed to better protect people against the effects of climate change was defeated by the two senators.

Measures designed to help protect against hurricanes were included in the bill. Billions were provided for sea walls, storm pumps, and other projects.

Many of those measures were co-written by another coastal Republican, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. The senator from Alaska supported the bill as well. Climate change is threatening both states.

Mr. Scott said it was wasteful. The two people voted no.

The two men did not reply to the requests for comment.

The senator opposed the infrastructure bill because it included unnecessary measures, just as he opposed the final version of relief for Hurricane Sandy because of pork barrel spending.

The larger issue is that those pushing broad measures to wean the nation from fossil fuels have yet to prove that they will actually slow sea level rise or calm storms.

Similar explanations are offered by other Republicans. Anna Paulina Luna is a Republican who is expected to win the House district around the bay area.

She said that the damage was so bad that they would need help.

Anna Paulina Luna, on primary night in August, is expected to win the House district around Tampa Bay.Credit...Octavio Jones/Reuters

Ms. Luna was against cutting fossil fuel emissions. She said it was crazy that the United States would hurt its own economy by sending manufacturing to China.

Mr. Crist talked about the dilemma that Florida Republicans are in, accepting donations from the oil and gas industry, unwilling to raise the issue of climate change with their most loyal voters, while surveying the damage it is doing to their state.

In Florida, where offshore drilling is not allowed, the oil and gas industry isn't a big source of campaign cash. Federal records show that the oil and gas industry has given Mr. Rubio $223,000 since the beginning of the year. Mr. Scott has received more money from oil and gas than any other industry.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the National Republican Senatorial Committee has received more oil and gas donations than any other group. The fossil fuel business is not among the top 20 industries that have given to the Democrats.

Theideological versus reality divide must be very difficult for Republican politicians.

Republicans in the state have taken steps to fund climate resilience but don't use the term "climate" The Republican chairman of the House appropriations subcommittee that funds housing programs secured $12 billion for "mitigation" measures in block grants to states and communities in Florida in the last year. Climate did not appear in the definition ofmitigation.

A helicopter evacuating people from Pine Island, Fla., on Saturday.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times

Carlos Curbelo, a former Republican congressman from South Florida, said that if you are from Florida, you should lead on climate and environmental policy. It is worth putting politics aside to address the consequences of climate change.

While Mr. DeSantis announced a program to provide $1 billion over four years to local governments to address flooding, rising seas and other challenges, he has blocked his state's pension plan from accounting for the environmental performance of companies in making investment decisions

The decision was made to prioritize the financial security of the people of Florida.

His record on other climate decisions could haunt him. The same type of extra support that Florida is now seeking for Ian was not provided by him as a congressman.

The two senators wrote to their colleagues asking them to support a package of disaster aid. A similar measure was opposed by Mr. Rubio after Sandy struck the Northeastern region. Mr. Scott had not been elected to the Senate.

Yoca Arditi-Rocha is the executive director of the CLEO Institute, a nonprofit organization in Florida that promotes climate change education, advocacy and resilience.

Florida will continue to be on the front lines of destructive hurricanes because of a warming climate. Republicans need to step up.