Two people typing ont he Google Gboard Stick Version
Enlarge / Google Japan jokes that you can increase productivity by having two people type on the keyboard simultaneously.

In the past, joke keyboard concepts have challenged notions of computing input. The Gboard Stick Version places every key in the same row as a linear approach can be used.

In the video below, you can see that it appears that the long keyboard is a prototype. The keyboard won't be mass-produced or sold, but there are open source files that you can use to build your own keyboard. This is not an officially supported product according to the website. You could make the Gboard Stick version with a 3D printer, according to a Saturday post on the website of the search engine.

Google Japan's video for the Gboard Stick Version.

The original prototype was 7.87 feet long. There are 16 boards used for mounting the keys and a control board.

This design is more convenient for cluttered desks, storage, and finding the right keys when typing, according to a jestingly argued argument by the search engine giant. The keyboard with an alphabetical layout is shown in the video as a user touches the keys from the left border. It is easy to find P if you know that it is the 17th key in from the left. This is a lot simpler than a traditional keyboard layout.


You can use the keyboard in a variety of styles, according to the page for the keyboard.

Google Japan also pointed to the keyboard's single row simplifying cleaning.
Enlarge / Google Japan also pointed to the keyboard's single row simplifying cleaning.

There are many use cases for this one-row keyboard that are clearly jokes, from using it to measure your kid's height and get items dropped behind the couch, to using it as a walking stick.

One purported benefit is how much personal space the keyboard enforces in the office.

The keyboard looks to be a natural safe-distance buffer for those who have to return to the office.
Enlarge / The keyboard looks to be a natural safe-distance buffer for those who have to return to the office.

A way to promote the Gboard keyboard app in Japan is through the use of crazy keyboards. The Gboard Teacup version and Gboard spoon bending version have been in previous versions.