Being online is exposing you. It is a level of exposure we have never dealt with before. People we haven't met are responding with their thoughts and criticisms when we post on social media. People are watching your picture on social media. Your face is being swiped on. A lot of messages are coming in. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is watching you.

Being watched by a lot of people has psychological effects. The ability to connect with others is a good thing. It was important when we couldn't be with our loved ones during the peak of the Pandemic. According to experts, there are many downsides and they may be more complex than we think.

Studies show that high levels of social media use can lead to anxiety and depression. Evidence shows that people's mental health is related to their online habits. People may be dealing with psychological effects that are pervasive but not obvious.

The professor of psychology at California State University says that people are spending more time on screens than they think. It is becoming an epidemic.

He has been studying the psychological effects of technology since 1984 and he says things have spiraled out of control. He says that people feel like they can't escape their online lives when they receive dozens of notifications a day.

The screens are still in your head even when you aren't on the screens.

Privacy allows us to operate without judgement. There are a lot of people watching our content, liking it, and sharing it with their own communities when we use social media. We don't know how we're being received in the virtual world when we post online. Stress and anxiety can be caused by not knowing what kind of online reputation you have.

You don't get real data when you post a picture. That isn't a true indication of what the world thinks about your picture or post You have limited information about how that was received because you put yourself out there in a semi-permanent way.

Anna Lembke says we build our identities through how we are seen by other people. It can be difficult to comprehend the internet's creation of that identity.

All of the online interactions that we have are a part of this virtual identity. It is vulnerable because it is online. Lembke says that we don't have control over the situation. We have a lot of exposure.