The vegan lifestyle has been seen as a cure-all for a number of ailments and issues over the past decade. Proponents of a vegan approach can be quick to point out that a vegan approach can solve a problem. Is this true when it comes to the aging of humans? Is vegan living longer than meat-eaters?

There are plenty of lifestyle changes that have been shown to help prevent diseases and keep you healthy for longer. A vegan diet that includes a lot of minimally processed whole foods is likely to be better than a diet that excludes meat.

We are here to try and get to the bottom of what is going on.

What is a vegan diet?

Meat, dairy, and eggs are not allowed on a vegan diet. Some people don't eat honey because it's the byproduct of a living animal. There are a lot of other elements that come into play when considering a lifestyle like vegan.


Living a cruelty-free life and eating plant-derived foods is one of the main tenets of the vegan lifestyle. This doesn't mean that you can't eat fruit and vegetables. You can find a wide range of vegan food, from sushi to burgers. If there are so many ways to be a vegan, what does it mean for your health?

Buddha Bowl

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are many claims about the benefits of plant-based living on human health and nutrition.

According to Brooke Jacob of ChristianaCare, a vegan diet has been linked to the reduction of risk for a number of chronic health conditions. It's not surprising that following a vegan diet can lead to a longer life. There is more research that needs to be done to conclude that vegan people live longer than non- vegan people.

Brooke Jacob, RD

According to one study, vegan people have a 9% lower risk of dying from all causes than omnivores. According to a study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was not clear if vegan diet could lower mortality. This doesn't mean it's impossible, but it has yet to be proven

Why do some vegans live longer?

There are a few reasons why there are a lot of vegan people who stay healthy for a long time. There are other lifestyle habits that are more present in health-conscious individuals, which may be more prevalent in the vegan community. Eating whole foods, exercising, drinking enough water, and other important health habits are common among vegan, especially those who focus on health as the main motivator for their plant-based lifestyle.

A vegan diet is possible if you eat a balanced diet with enough nutrition.

Jacob says the key piece of the puzzle is to stick with a good variation of the food you eat. You want to make sure that you get a variety of vitamins and minerals. A vegan diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts will help you maintain optimal nutrition. Adding supplements to the diet is a good way to make sure you get the vitamins you need.

Smiling man holding avocado halves over eyes

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Even though studies are subject to other variables of human life, it's not easy to say whether or not vegan is the main factor for longevity. This approach requires a commitment to vegan lifestyle in the long term.

Jacob says that the duration of time in which people stick to vegan diet depends on their goals and readiness to embrace change. If the person is ready to change, focused on their goals and views their diet as more of a lifestyle change, a vegan diet can be sustainable.

There is anecdotal evidence that suggests a vegan diet may carry you to your 100th birthday. There is some scientific research to suggest that going vegan and eating less animal meat can help to prevent diseases, but the evidence is not very strong. This doesn't mean that a vegan diet isn't good for you. If you are considering going vegan for your health or cutting back on animal products, you can talk with your doctor, nutritionist or dietitian to find a plan that works for you.

The article is not meant to give medical advice.