Milky Way Fermi Bubbles

(Image credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center)

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Astronomers have been puzzled by a glowing blob that appears to be inside one of the enormous gamma-ray emanations from the center of our galaxy.

In a new research published in Nature Astronomy, we show that the cocoon is caused by thegamma rays emitted by fast-spinning extreme stars. While our results clear up the mystery of the cocoon, they also cast a pall over attempts to look for dark matter in any glow it emits.

Seeing with gamma rays

Our atmosphere blocks a lot of radiation. These particles of light are more powerful than the ones we see.

Scientists had no idea of the beauty of the sky until instruments were lofted into space. More and more of the richness has been revealed thanks to the discoveries made by the Vela satellites.

The state-of-the-art instrument operating today is the Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope. A number of surprises have been discovered by the ability of Fermi to resolve fine detail.

Mysterious bubbles

Something in the center of the Milky Way blew what looked like a pair of giant bubbles shortly after the launch of Fermi. 10% of the sky is covered by theseFermi bubbles.

There is a chance that the source of the bubbles is a black hole. This monster is 4 million times larger than the sun and is located in the center of the solar system.

Black holes are found in most of the galaxies. Black holes are active in some cases. They simultaneously release huge, outflowing "jets" visible across the spectrum.

Researchers wondered if they could find a smoking gun tying the bubbles to the black hole. There was a hint that there was a jet pointing towards the center of the universe.

This picture became muddy with time and further data. The jet-like feature in one of the bubbles was confirmed, but the other appeared to evaporate under scrutiny.

One bubble had a bright spot called the "cocoon" and the other did not.

Astronomers have detected a black hole jet in the sky.

The cocoon and where it comes from

The nature of the "cocoon" is examined in our recent work in nature astronomy. The structure has nothing to do with the bubbles or the black hole.

The southern bubble is actually caused by rays from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy which are visible from the position of Earth.

Schematic showing the Milky Way, the gamma-ray-emitting Fermi Bubbles (pink), and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and its tails (yellow/green). From the position of the Sun, we view the Sagittarius dwarf through the southern Fermi Bubble.

Schematic showing the Milky Way, the gamma-ray-emitting Fermi Bubbles (pink), and the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and its tails (yellow/green). From the position of the Sun, we view the Sagittarius dwarf through the southern Fermi Bubble. (Image credit: Aya Tsuboi, Kavli IPMU, Author provided)

The constellation of Sagittarius is where the Sagittarius dwarf is located. The remnant of a larger galaxy is the cause of the strong field that has torn apart. There are stars pulled out of the Sagittarius dwarf that can be seen in the sky.

What’s making the gamma rays?

Cosmic rays, which are high-energy particles, collide with the gas between the stars to create the main source of gamma rays.

The process can't explain the radiation from the Sagittarius dwarf. The same harassment that took away so many of its stars caused it to lose its gas.

Where do the rays originate?

They are thought to be a signature of dark matter, a substance that is invisible to the naked eye but which is thought to make up most of the universe. Dark matter isn't the origin because the shape of the cocoon matches the distribution of visible stars.

The stars were responsible for the radiation. The stars of the Sagittarius dwarf are not new. Which type of source produces the radiation?

Millisecond pulsars

There is only one possible way to spin objects called millisecond pulsars. These are the remnants of stars that are much larger than the Sun.

A neutron star is an object about as heavy as the Sun but only about 20 km across and rotates hundreds of times per second.

The rapid rotation and strong magnetic field of the neutron stars make them a natural particle accelerators.

The particles emit radiation.

A whole new class of stellar object might be possible with the discovery of a new neutron star.

The hunt for dark matter

New light has been shed on millisecond pulsars as sources of gamma rays.

They cast a pall over efforts to find evidence for dark matter by showing that there is a stronger "background" of gamma rays from millisecond pulsars.

Any signal they produce may not be interpreted as dark matter.

There is a search for dark matter signals.

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